Yeah. Ever since the Queen's Wrath event ended, I've been full of sorrow when I play Destiny. I miss the event, yeah, but that's not why.
Its because I played every day the Queen's Wrath event was here. Got to max rank, bought both shaders and emblems. Got my Titan class item, helmet, and chest piece. Bought and maxed all the weapons she sold, including the Supremacy from the Fallen missions. I even created a Hunter and Warlock just to get the helmet, chest, and class item pieces for them.
Alas though, I was never able to obtain her exclusive ship. I try to not think about it, but lately I've been using her weapons in the raids for more of a challenge and some extra fun, and because I absolutely love their color\design scheme.
I wish I could have a chance to get it, or to even see it floating beside the tower again.
For now though, it seems that I'm forever destined to keep, Chasing Infinity. <3
Edit: Thanks for all the replies. Its nice to know that some folks can relate to it, and that some few that have the ship respect it. I'll be trying to reply to everyone that replies. Thanks again! You're making the grieving process so much easier. :D <3
You're chasing Infinity. I went through something like what you're talking about, a couple years ago, this ship named infinity. So, there's me and Infinity. And we're all inseparable, right? Big time in love. Then four months down the road, the idiot gear kicks in, and I ask about the ex-guardian. Which, as we all know, is a really dumb move. But you know how you don't wanna know, but just have to know--stupid guy bullshit. So, anyway, she starts telling me about him. How they fell in love, how they went out for a couple of years, how they patrolled together, her queen likes me better, blah blah blah blah blah. And I'm okay. Then she drops the bomb. And the bomb is this: it seems that a couple of times while they were going out, he brought fireteam to raid with him, "menage a troi," I believe it's called. And this just blows my mind, right? I mean, I am not used to this sorta thing; I was raised Catholic, for Gods sake. So I'm totally weirded out by this, right? So I start blasting her. I mean, I don't know how to deal with what I'm feeling, so I figure the best way is to call her 'Cryptarch,' tell her she was used. I'm out for blood, I really want to hurt this girl. I'm like, "What the -blam!- is your problem," right? And she's just trying to calmly tell me it was that time, it was that place, and she doesn't feel like she should apologize because she doesn't feel that she's done anything wrong. And I say, "Oh, really?" That's when I look her straight in the eye, tell her it's over. I blink. It was a mistake. I wasn't disgusted with her, I was afraid. In that moment, I felt small, like I lacked experience, like I'd never be enough for her or something like that, you know what I'm saying? But what I did not get: she didn't care. She wasn't looking for that guardian anymore. She was looking for me, for the Hunter. But by the time I figured this all out, it was too late. She had moved on. And all I had to show for it was some foolish Aurora Lance which gave way to regret. She was the ship. I know that now. But I pushed her away. So I spend every day since then Chasing Infinity. So to speak.