lol true but I'm sure Bungie has their stats. Hell I can do my own math in my first five games.
I'm sure they have them. But we don't. And 5 games is way too small a sample size.
Not really.
Edited by Cappy: 3/26/2015 3:46:22 PM5 games, out of the millions games played since 1.1.1? A bigger sample size is required.
55 samples in a hour is generally a good idea but take it or leave it. Those are my 8 thoughts.
Edited by Cappy: 3/26/2015 3:58:28 PMThat's better, I suppose. But it's not worth speculation without actual stats.
Edited by hexxem: 3/26/2015 3:57:37 PMThere are 11 people per game, I'm not counting me for as a total of 12. 5 games is 55 samples; each person would be a sample technically. Like I said to each his own.
I edited my post to try not to sound like a smartass :/
lol it's all good; thank you.
I am for rebuffing ARs, but I will stick to my HC/Sniper gameplay. Whether I switch between TLW/Jolder's Hammer vs Red Hand/Gjallahorn is a toss up for me atm.