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This is really the only other Exotic weapon I want. Does anyone else want it too, or do you guys have it and could you tell me the perks that come on it? I heard its a good PvP sniper, plus its an arc sniper.
Any feedback would be appreciated.
Patience and te is more for pvp than anything else, it's a fast firing precision scout rifle that does insane critical damage. Fantastic in PvP, Decent in PvE
Love the weapon all around. Great for anything but especially good for pvp because you can turn invisible when aiming down the sights. Deadly with titan
If xur sells this tomorrow I'll pss my pants
I love it.
Got it last weeks nightfall
Great gun for emptying clips, high stability, 6 magazine w/ field scout plus the invisibility is great for getting a position
Just got it today from VoG hard! Haven't had time to try it out yet but was pretty happy to get it.
[quote]This is really the only other Exotic weapon I want. Does anyone else want it too, or do you guys have it and could you tell me the perks that come on it? I heard its a good PvP sniper, plus its an arc sniper. Any feedback would be appreciated.[/quote] Radar remains active aiming through scope, active camouflage while aiming. Arc