I consider myself very lucky with the RNG in Destiny, and have acquired plenty of loot to my liking. But RNG appears to have shown me a bit too much kindness, and has ignored my friends. I feel sorry for them as (for example) one needs shards badly and I'm at an overload of them, having way more then I really need. I know trading systems can be very risky in a game like Destiny, and ruin the rarity of items possibly breaking the game. But perhaps a trading system would work out if there was certain limitations. Maybe something along the lines of only being able to trade materials, shaders and VANGUARD legendaries (Not raid gear). That way, all of the guns and armour's rarities would remain intact, while allowing friends to help each other. What do you say Bungie? If you don't like the idea of trading vanguard gear, just materials and shaders themselves would be satisfactory to trade.
I agree 100% with you