*cracks a finger* no
hell thats creepy *a iron drop crat falls as i rush for it turn into smoke and get inside it* Ill be suite din just a second *comes out of the Dropshoot and swings a quinque axe at you*
*is behind you* stop
But you wanted to fight? *does a Darius spin then strikes at you*
But you wanted to fight? *does a Darius spin then strikes at you*
Edited by Guardian0611: 3/26/2015 9:35:00 PMNo I didn't *dodges* [spoiler]-__- just attack [/spoiler]
Edited by Reborn Salazar: 3/26/2015 9:39:57 PMBUT YOU WANT IT DONT YOU?? *Noxian gijotine* A REAOSN TO KILL YOUC ANT RUN FROM THE VICE OF KILLING! *takes out a shotgun with quinque rounds and fires*
*does not exist* fine*tendrils block them as I rush you*
*qucikly grabs the axe and swings at you the axe* [spoiler]yes they do have Quinque bullets. the cops use them. when they tired to save kaneki from jason[/spoiler]
*blocks it with one tendril as a another impales you*
*phantom steps to avoid full impaling* it didnt hit my smoke device good. *throws the axe then turns into smoek the rebuild behind you to cathc the axe and slcie on of your tentacles*
[spoiler]thats op -__- [/spoiler] *the tendrils grab it* [spoiler]if I have to use my gear on you I'll cry [/spoiler]
[spoiler]all of them or did i cut at leat one? youve got 3 sint it. then the PSycho from with the big spiky one.[/spoiler] *tkaes out 2 shotguns with quinque rounds and unloads overheating the smoke system for some time* ok .*coffs* ddint expect to get so ired on that. *grabs the axe and reaadies*
*blocks the rounds with the axe and attacks*
[spoiler]the axe is with me[/spoiler]
Need an assist, Salazar? *fires charged plasma (heat) beam at Ken*
You want to go?
[spoiler]you gotta make the first move join dinorush[/spoiler]
[spoiler]ill wait till your fight with Dino begins.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]it started[/spoiler]
*Dinorush stares, sword drawn*
*looks at you* what do you want
*nods towards fighting area*
I don't want to hurt you it's not my nature
Pfft. Like I'd believe that. *drags you to the area*