* Walks through the door without opening it *
* Nods to UlcaM *
Can I have a pitcher of water please
* Walks to corner sofa and sits *
* Opens velvet bag and extract 6 balls all dark with what look like tiny stars within places them on the table *
Evening UlcaM, Quiggles and Whitigoh
Edited by Tathis: 3/26/2015 10:47:31 PM* Waves at UlcaM * I take your leave good Sir I possibly have the location of the next ball, but it moving so I must get moving to catch it Good night all take care and watch the dark spaces * Leaves pile of coins on the bar* * Vanishes *
I swear, if those are Dragonballs.
Nope Fletch not Dragonballs an ancient puzzle which looks like it is a star map I have not found all of them yet.
Either way, I don't trust these things. *Puts contents of bag in safe*
Uh they were in my pocket, wiggles finger bag returns to pocket [spoiler] Sorry Fletch they are very rare and it has cost me considerably to obtain them, they are safer in my pocket[/spoiler] If its an issue I will put them some where other than this particular timeline.
* Goes back to sleep * * Sea sounds return *
Please do.
* Sits up and Human form looks normal * * Places bag on table * * Mutter a short incantation * * Bag blinks, shimmers and vanishes * Ok there you they are no longer in this timeline
* Balls now orbit the central ball and look to be a planetary simulation * * Drink pitcher of water * * Starts studying blue * * Tiddles appears sits looking and huffs * * Stroke tiddles's head * Go see Quiggles you've been neglecting him * Tiddles stalks off in search of Quiggles *
*Hands water over*
Thanks * Tips head and pours * * Places empty pitcher on table * Can I have another please
Sure *Puts another in counter*
* Wave pinky at the pitcher which floats across the bar and settles on the table * Thanks UlcaM how are you this evening * 6 Balls rise off the table and start to orbit the largest one which changes to a dull yellow *
* Claps hands balls drop into bag which seals itself * * picks up bag and pockets it * Stretches out on Sofa and closes eyes
* sounds breaking surf emanate * * Outline change to water looks like human shaped ocean *
*steals balls ;)*
Edited by Tathis: 3/26/2015 10:14:33 PMOh no you don't *Waves hand, balls return to orbit over the table *
I'm ok...?
Julie ok
I'm concerned about her... Behavior...
Hmmmmm Storm brewing * Ignores oncoming storm *
{ •-•}...
* Ducks down even further into reading book *
Edited by Tathis: 3/26/2015 9:55:52 PM[spoiler]Without seeming to pry, what sort of behaviour, and if I have stepped outside a boundary please tell me [/spoiler]