In April, Xbox Live Gold members are getting double the amount of games.
[b]Xbox One:[/b] Pool Nation FX & Child of Light will be free all month
[b]Xbox 360:[/b] Gears of War: Judgement & Terraria Will be free till the 15th and Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag & Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel will be free till the 30th
So there you go. What do you guys think of these choices? Will you get them? The are free after all...
Wow three great games on 360!! Assassins creed is a must if you haven't played it, gears of war and terraria are tons of fun too. Never played army of two so I can't comment on that. And then there is Xbox one with not so great games. I was expecting something more like titanfall or a semi-big release from 2014.