I second that.
I mena i can be a derp cuase i got the money to defy laws of reality onc ea week. (yes youc ana ctually pay to a guy to do this in my reality) I mena how do you think i do my badass entrances? acutallt rianing paid actors. special effects nah just Law defying autorisation
Well, I can help you not obey physics. *defies gravity and floats up*
o yeah. *sudenly we are suroudned by b ad guys* *i point my finger around as they all expldoe into candy to then moutn a dragon unciron with you by my side while hodling a sowrd*
*i, logically, decide that we need hats. Yours is made of titanium, and mine, of rainbow essence. More bananas, as always, rain from the ground up*
As we fly to the kingdom of badassery and senseless explosive to visit king Michael Bay
To dethrone him and become our own kings of badassery
and explosives
Such normal fysics