Edited by Fletch: 3/27/2015 5:37:24 AMBody: [b] Puts two glasses of wine on table[/b] [i]"One of these glasses has the most deadly substance known to man inside it (the Botulinum Type H toxin), but which one? Choose wisely."[/i]
Do you know my capabilities?
yeah most of em.. wathced the death battle
Hmmm *thinks of strategic plan *
*looks badass waiting*
*draws sword* Lets begin.
ok *grabs the cigarrite on hand* lets get going *throws the cigarrite which then ginites a inner shotugn charge then lgihts another one and palces it on moth. draws a 10 round handcannon revolver and fans it*
*cuts up bullets with sword* Your no match for me! *point blank shoots you with duel MP5Ks*
*tusn into smoke* you are good agianst sinlge fire bullets aint ya. I rock that gun BTW always loved german weapons. that remidns me. *take sout a blundergasut* 18 pellets slug size explosive rounds. ddge this *pulls the trigger opening the hail fo bullet*
*throws knofe at gun and kicks your face *
I shoot so you took 18 explosive rounds to the face? i mena sure deathstroke i shtoght but he isnt THAT thought.
*takes shots* *fires pistol * [spoiler]srrt about that[/spoiler]
[spoiler]How much tiem do i ahve till your body armor coems back? and how much did that hurt?[/spoiler] *fnas another revovler as we shoot each toher bulles out of the air* this coudl keep up forever but.. *throws pistol at you* ive got more guns *takes out 2 lever aciton shotguns iwht over and underbarrels *
Edited by H3ADSH0T DUDE: 3/27/2015 4:02:11 AM[spoiler]it took a bit and in a little bit[/spoiler] *Lunges with sword* And ouch
*a bip is heard* ready *I lugne to you turn into smoke passing throught you takes out a harpoon shaped machete and impales you with it then steaps back*
*grabs you with grappling hook and uppercuts you*
*jumps to stan up* well that hurts. *tales out 2 drum magged shtoguns* ONSLAUGHT!!!!!!! *unloads all th 40 total rounds on you* dang it. *steps back *
owww!!! *plunges sword into chest, fires dual MP5Ks and takes out sword*
[spoiler]WTF YOU ALIVE AFTER THAT?[/spoiler] *stops the sword then punches you and staps back* *takes out a heavy hand cannon with explosive rounds and fires to the head*
i aint damaged i am *bip sound* rechaarging......... *takes out another handcannon and opens fire*
*throws knife splitting the bullet in two and throws a frag*
*turns into smoke grabbing the frag and elaving it with you as passes* Nice try *takes out 2 blundergaust and fire bothe thrwos them and takes out normal shoguns*