Why why why WHY WHY?!?!? I f*cking earned my damn mida multi-tool! As a matter of fact, I earned EVERYTHING IN XÛR'S INVENTORY. NOW EVERY SINGLE SCRUB WILL HAVE MULTI-TOOL, OBSIDIAN MIND, AND RUIN WINGS.
Child predators > Xûrners
Terrorists > Xûrners
Hitler > Xûrners
Damn you Xûrners. You disgust me.
No matter what Xur will eventually sell every exotic weapon you have wether you agree or not. It's a blam game grow up go out and get laid it's not a way of life dude.
Haha you bought ruin wings and you're bitch ing at everyone else
You sir are a complete and utter moron.... you bought the ruin wings yourself and now you're complaining? So stupid. Anyone agree?
Not everone is lucky enough to be able to get exotics that aren't from xur. If you really did earn each of your exotics from victories and exotic chests, then you should probably also try buying a few lottery tickets while us "xurers"end up getting more ascendant sh*t.
I hope you're joking otherwise im happy that Xurs ruining your destiny
I hope a titan kills u with heavy ammo 25 times in crucible. Then get shot by 4 golden guns. And nova bombed time after time. Then cant return fire bc mida makes u flinch. Eat em all mr elitist Xur is basically rngesus in a different form.
Edited by DatNeon: 3/28/2015 2:52:38 AMI bought MIDA, obsidian mind, and aclyophage symbiote. Suck it. Guess what, I already had "earned" my ruin wings. And you know what? If I hadn't "earned" them through getting lucky after beating a super easy nightfall, I would've Xurned those too.
Lol dude I'm happy, finally got Symbiote! Also, bow my friends can partake of the stuff that I have- with lower stat rolls, of course!
Edited by Sox: 3/28/2015 2:30:10 AM
Hell yeah I didn't have any of those armors .. AND I BOUGHT THE SHIT OUT OF THEM. Now I earned my obsidian mind ruin wings and Symbiote and I have all of them now . I'm also gonna buy the MIDA tomorrow which I never had so I'm gonna earn that too by walking up to XÛR and holding down A to purchase that gun. I plan ON BUYING THE SHIT OUT OF THAT GUN as well.
This wasn't even creative.... just copying the same crap every other troll has done.... is it getting crowded under that bridge?
Edited by FuzzyDraggy: 3/28/2015 2:21:51 AMBungie is giving chances to those who haven't earned it by getting enough strange coins to acquire the weapon, even tho you got lucky with the drop, you're whining for no reason, you're selfish enough to believe that you MUST get an exotic from drops? Dude, at that rate, no one would have many exotics which means harder time to beat Raids and Strikes, your friends might have bought exotics from him, and you too I bet. My first exotic was the Universal Remote from VoG on Normal, my boyfriend got so pissed because he tried for weeks prior to me getting it, when Xûr sold it, I was very exited to tell him Xûr was selling it~ <3 Do the same, help your fellow Guardians instead of bitching.
Look at this cry baby go! Hahahaha
Damn I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems and being a bitch ain't one
Does it hurt when you're menstruating
Hey, OP; would you like me to get the hose so you can wash all of that sand out of your vagina?
[i] [/i]
Even though this is another troll post ill bite. Everyone paid money for the game and they can play it as they wish
I'm sorry I didn't know man next time just send me a message and we can "arrange" something
Hmm sure you rob earned yours last time xur sold it
Better sell back all the heavy ammo packs you purchased from xur then, since you claim you haven't xurned anything.
"Earned" it's RNG dumbass
Actually, your selfish attitude disgusts me.
Your tears are so salty
I got one in iron banner. Sell away xur. Whiny self entitled punks.