So let me just vent my anger over this stupid bel air trend. It's -blam!-ing idiotic, overused, and unoriginal. It wasn't very funny the first few times, and time hasn't helped it. Every time I see a mildly long post, I now have to scroll down to the bottom just to see if it's serious or if it's another -blam!-ing troll ending. And how many people have actually watched the show? Probably not many here, considering this place is full of sweaty twelve year olds trying to grow a neck beard. Anyone who makes a bel air ending is just trying to seem cool by using a meme that was old a long time ago. What's even worse is the people who comment on threads about intelligent or emotional topics with "boo no bel air I am disappoint" or some dumb shit like that. So can we all just get rid of it? I can't be the only one who hates this trend. Somehow people around me have started to do it too. I was at some party recently and some one had just finished telling a story when one of the people listening made some dumb joke about how he was expecting a bel air at the end. As soon as I heard that I decided to leave. I walked strait to the exit,
Opened the door
Get on the floor
Everybody walk the dinosaur
[spoiler]sorry for the shit post you guys, anyone who actually read the whole thing, congratulations. Also I should say, I actually kinda like bel air endings.[/spoiler]
boo no bel air I am disappoint