At 5:30 I am going to make a 3rd character and I want to level up as fast as possiable! If your making a new character and want to level up as fast as possiable send me a message (on this app)! So we can just rush through the campaign and reach lvl 20 fast!:)
Xbox one
Central Time Zone
I just created a new character lvl 6. Add mckim83
Level 12 Need help beating Venus strikes and Mars playlist Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trying to get to 20 today!!!!! Xbox one g0d is my dj
Level 5 hunter experienced my grimoire is 2330 i need help leveling up i would love to team up with one or two other players msg me gt is above or inv me
Someone help me level up my second character on XBOX one msg Honor LiinK
Xbox 360 have a level 10 if anyone wants to grind the low levels with me
Edited by ELEMENT-280: 5/16/2015 7:29:19 AMNeed help leveling up level12 hunter PSN ELEMENT-280 ps4
Leveling up 4th character join me for heroic action
I have a 31 hunter and 29 Titan and 29 warlock but deleting warlock and making hunter so if anyone is willing to help to just kill every enemy on the missions would be great... I can do sword bearer if I get a raid chest and will help with whatever Add ghostkota if you want to help and then I'll help you Ps4
Need help with leveling up my level 10 Titan I have 2 32s I need one more on xbox one msg me for invite
lvl 2 Titan LF leveling buddys GT above
Full Aussie clan that's been around since the start & still raiding & looking fwd to house of wolves so if your still hammering destiny & your Aussie or close eough come join us in defeating the fallen CRIT hard or go home" We have competed VOG & corta both normal & hard which only 15% of clans have done ! We have done clan flawless runs ,pvp,iron banner & anythink bungie throws at us So if you are keen to raid ,pvp,help out others in clan ,Aussie or close to & like having a lol n beer or just chilling out with skippy the bush kangaroo then we might be the clan for you!! The REALM OF CRAZY AUSSIES *******************PS4****************** [RCA] AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE OI OI OI REALM of CRAZY AUSSI3S [RCA] "CRIT-HARD OR GO HOME" Srry NO SKIPPY SIGNINGS!!
Level 5 hunter needing to get to 20
Lvl 17 titan just need to run through mars please. Gt same thanks
Get a ton of engrams on higher level and give to your lower one
Xbox one lv 4 warlock gt same msg if want to help
Lv4 warlock wanting to run through the story missions. Xbox one GT is same as name
10 warlock looking to team up message or invite me for xboxone beef3422
Edited by VWKID: 5/14/2015 7:29:50 PMGT^ lvl 6 Warlock lookin for help on ps3
Lvl 9 warlock looking to level up fast send invite or message me beef3422
Lvl 14 hunter trying to get to lvl 20 help if u want
Lvl 11 warlock add me
LVL 7 hunter
Level 12 warlock Want to speed run Mars Please help Xbox one G0d is my dj
Level 12. Trying to beat both raids on Venus. Need help please Xbox G0d is my dj
Level 12...Need Help Leveling on Xbox One... Message Snyder x 95
Lvl 18 Titan looking to help anyone or someone to help me gt above (Xbox one)