At 5:30 I am going to make a 3rd character and I want to level up as fast as possiable! If your making a new character and want to level up as fast as possiable send me a message (on this app)! So we can just rush through the campaign and reach lvl 20 fast!:)
Xbox one
Central Time Zone
Need help on story or crucible. PSN is KK-Khev
Need help with Eros missipns
I have 2 32 trying to get help for my 7 titan
Gt FlaredHD I Am a 32 Looking to get help for my 7 titan
I'm level 2 GT us above Xbox one
Lvl 3 hunter need help getting to 20 fast gt Hybrid Clutchz
Level 6 Need help, gt is Same
Looking for 2 to help run through story missions. (From the start). Gt is KickBox5
lvl 13 Hunter and need help with the last two planets
Edited by shabNL: 5/2/2015 1:10:05 PM
im lvl 17 need help with 2 mission on mars ps4 add insane_daffyduck
Lvl 4 need someone to help me lvl up to 20 quick ps4
Level 11, need to do campaign on Venus an Mars, message sjscott18 for invite
Lvl 11 Titan wanting to do Venus and mars pan is above add me
Just deleleted 3rd char to start titan anyone wanna help
Lvl 2 lock looking to lvl up quick
Lvl 8 Titan looking for story runs psn is above add me
Looking for a crew to run through the story and some low level strikes. My warlock is level 12. I'm on the gate lord mission. Hit me up on Xbox 1 x Spamyy o
Need one vog hard
Edited by MegamiXIII: 5/2/2015 3:44:49 AMLvl 17 hunter, I would like some one that is willing to help grind my last 3 levels Gt is Megami-XIII if your willing.(Ps4)
Level 13 hunter looking for some help
Im lvl 3 warlock need some one quick ps4
I need help leveling to 20 currently 2 ps4 justin34541 plz and ty
Need help, level 7 currently.
Lordedog Level 11 Be 14 or over
Edited by Marius-1988: 4/26/2015 1:47:58 PMHave a lev 11 titan i want to lev 20 asap. Can anyone help? Ps4