At 5:30 I am going to make a 3rd character and I want to level up as fast as possiable! If your making a new character and want to level up as fast as possiable send me a message (on this app)! So we can just rush through the campaign and reach lvl 20 fast!:)
Xbox one
Central Time Zone
Edited by Marius-1988: 4/26/2015 1:47:58 PMHave a lev 11 titan i want to lev 20 asap. Can anyone help? Ps4
Edited by InSaNe_Daffyduck: 5/1/2015 9:43:25 PMneed help im lvl 11 Trying to finish venus Ps4 Add insane_daffyduck
Level 5 titan looking to fly through story any help is appreciated
Edited by DawsonNYG: 5/1/2015 8:59:12 PM(Ps4) need help speed running story. Add DawsonNYG
Hi there My fellow Destiny Players, I am very new to this Game and would like to find either New Players with low lvl characters to lvl with me. Or if your bored and higher lvl that would be fine to. I am from Australia and my name is Aidan. I have a Titan lvl 12 lock and Hunter lvl 8. I am doing fine solo but I would prefer to play through the Story and Strikes pref. I'm a little ways through the Moon. I ran a few Strikes and lvled up that way. Cheers add me on xxaidstarxx ty and Happy Gaming xD Play on the PS4
Level 6 warlock just wanna do this quickly Gt same as above
Lvl 8 warlock psn ThaColeTrain77 looking to lvl up fast. On the ps4
lvl 2 warlock ps4 Add insane_daffyduck
Level 2 warlock looking for someone to run through the story with. Message me on xbox one
Need a 6 man fireteam including myself who needs to complete this bounty. Got a method to knock this out as fast as possible. Mic required
Edited by Faust Daddy: 4/30/2015 3:05:59 AMLv 10 Titan looking for help Gt above I'm on second mission on moon
I have a level 13 Titan that I need to run through story missions with on Xbox one
Have a level 13 Titan looking to power level it on Xbox one
Level 11 hunter looking to powerlevel on 360, message pittage
Level 18 2 more levels till 20 please help add xcharmz_2_nasty-
Xb1 hunter add me gt same
Currently lvl 2 looking for partner to do campaign with by rushing it
Edited by Confusive Llama: 4/28/2015 12:12:33 AMHave level 15 character of u want to help level or just tag along feel free must me 15 so ur able to do missions im doing. (Xbox one) (gt same as above).
I'm level 11 currently on Venus missions looking for help to finish the story mode fast add xcharmz_2_nasty-
Need help I will I am am a level 32 titian
Ps4 suchrhylz. Level 10 hunter help would be greatly appreciated.
GT jb spongebob inv lvl 7 hunter
Gonna be on in 15 or so mins got a titan and a warlock to level up hmu ps4 gt nomadrunner88
Have a level 1 and need to Power-Level? Gt is Macadociousness on Xbox One. Send message on XBL if needing to level up fast.
Edited by ChuckleS: 4/27/2015 12:05:40 AMLvl 9 warlock want to smash out the story missions. Just starting Venus. If u can lend a hand or u have a chat ur lacking urself add me up ChuckleS_d-_-b ps4
Edited by snakey78: 4/27/2015 1:55:50 AMNeed help with summoning pits. At phogoth. Message for invite Gt: snakey78