At 5:30 I am going to make a 3rd character and I want to level up as fast as possiable! If your making a new character and want to level up as fast as possiable send me a message (on this app)! So we can just rush through the campaign and reach lvl 20 fast!:)
Xbox one
Central Time Zone
14 titan on Mars need help by above please help
Level 2 Hunter , maybe somebody wanna help and join up ? fizi90
Lv14 Titan looking to speed through story
Everyone, you need help with raids or just want a chill person to watch and play with you need to check out G22 Bawston! He 2 swords crota on hard all the time and will make your run easypeezy! He streams daily, has three 32s and maxed weapons and has a whole group willing to help any and everybody! Come follow and you're sure to have a great time! Gt: G22_Bawston Stream Times: Monday: 7:30-2:00 Tuesday: 7:30-2:00 Clan/MODs Only Wednesday: 7:30-2:00 Viewer Help Thursday:10:00-XUR Friday: ALL DAY 2 Sword HYPE Saturday: 7:30-3/4 am Sunday Funday: ALL DAY/ VoG Only
Ps4 little_nicky01 I need help reaching 20. Currently level 6 hunter. Im online right now. Thanks.
Anyone wanna carry me through mars quick lvl 15 warlock Xbox one GT same as above
Edited by Sivio: 4/7/2015 10:59:56 PMNeed a person to play with me. Mic required. i have a lvl 16 warlock. i want to push to 20 quickly. Xbox One Gamertag: Sivio
2 lvl 13s first mars mission !! Need 1 Xbox 1
Level 17 on Mars gt above
Lvl 22 need higher lvls to run vanguard tiger !!
Warlock level 11 wanting to level up and do story fast :)
Lock lvl 9 just shooting thru story and chillin Message d BADKID b
Just got to Venus, could use help with heroic story missions to get the last push to 20. On XboxOne. Gt is C10CkW0Rk
Lvl 23 hunter anyone want to help me with vog Xbox one gt same as above I have 2 32 warlocks that I will help with your characters also my guns are maxed out
Need help levelling up my hunter and I will help you
Edited by H1 Perfections: 4/7/2015 12:33:27 AMI have a level 12 titian im on Venus Xbox one gt above
2 lvl 15s first mission on Mars ! Xbox1
Level 12 warlock that I started today. Could really use some help. Anyone that has nothing better to do or is feeling generous message me in here. Please and thank you in advance destiny fam. XBOX 1 - SAME GT AS ABOVE
Leveling from 10-20 Xbox One: thale58
Titan 11 Wanna take it to 20 Gt same as name inv
Edited by ilovefattchicks: 4/6/2015 11:30:13 PMlevel 2 hunter need help, new to destiny and have no idea what im doing xb1 gt ilovefattchicks
Edited by Nghtly: 4/6/2015 11:15:19 PMLvl 16 second mission on Venus need some help, trying to get to lvl 20 before 3am tonight (currently 01:14am) Add : Pudding4eva PS4
Edited by Glonk Ness Monster: 4/6/2015 10:37:26 PMJust made a hunter only level 10 I'd like to fly through the campaign if anyone would be willing to help ps4
Level 7 warlock trying to get to 20 as fast as possible. Xbox one gt Casual Kong
Lvl 4 Titan just got on the moon .help please PS4,gt same as username
Just started a new character and I'm trying to level him up quick. Anyone that has nothing better to do or is feeling generous message me in here. Please and thank you in advance destiny fam. XBOX 1 - SAME GT AS ABOVE