At 5:30 I am going to make a 3rd character and I want to level up as fast as possiable! If your making a new character and want to level up as fast as possiable send me a message (on this app)! So we can just rush through the campaign and reach lvl 20 fast!:)
Xbox one
Central Time Zone
Looking for som1 willing to help me power level my 3rd char! Msg me on here or xbox one. GT same as name
Help me please Titan Lvl 6 xbox one.
Starting my 3rd character and would like help getting through the story. Add me, name above. PS4
Need help on mars missions im currently a lvl 16 warlock My gamertag for xbox one is: nerdattacker13 Message me for invite
Lvl 8 hunter looking to level to 20 today. gt same as above. Msg for inv
Level 12 Titan on Venus need help on ps4 add Frost-625 thanks!!!
Level 14 hunter on Venus needing help gt as above
I'm a lvl 9 warlock on Xbox one if anyone wants to shoot me an inv
Ps4: lx_-TheGamer-_xl Level 16 Titan Need help finishing the Mars Missions and Im good from there!!! Help us much appreciated!!!
Lvl 12 warlock, add me or comment psn ID to level up faster
Level 2 TITAN Gt above One
Brand new character level 2 need help will repay by helping thru raids etc
Level 11 Titan invite me
Level 14 about to start Ishtar Collective on hard, PS4 and PSN is Prisco-
Working on new character and looking for help and to help others to get to 20 on xbox one. Currently lv 14 and starting Mars missions. If anyone else needs to work on a new char, message me. GT acoustic1991
Level 15 Warlock looking to power level. Got two 32's message GT Fume Xpired
Level 19 Titan just starting on Mars and looking for guardians. Gt is Macadociousness on Xbox One. Please send message for invite.
Lvl 10 Titan looking to power level Xbone
Doing story with my 3rd character. Anyone wanna help lvl up. Add solid_soul99 on ps4 Currently on venus
LVL 9 warlock, very experienced have a 32 Titan and 32 Hunter also need help running through missions on Xbox One. GT same as name
Gt same as above on my level 14 warlock need some help I'm on Mars send me invite
Working on new character and looking for help and to help others to get to 20 on xbox one. Currently lv 12. If anyone else needs to work on a new char, message me. GT acoustic1991
I have a hunter lvl 11 and a titan 2 someone to go up to level 20
Edited by Macadociousness: 3/29/2015 10:58:03 AMLevel 16 titan at Eye of a Gate Lord on Venus. Gt is Macadociousness on Xbox One, please send message for invite.
Lvl 11 warlock At shrine of oryx. Anyone else running a new character want to run the rest of missions with me add me Psn shrafdogg
Level 14 Lf guardians on Xbox 1. Gt is Macadociousness