At 5:30 I am going to make a 3rd character and I want to level up as fast as possiable! If your making a new character and want to level up as fast as possiable send me a message (on this app)! So we can just rush through the campaign and reach lvl 20 fast!:)
Xbox one
Central Time Zone
I recommend playing crucible a lot. Get to like level 7 then start playing the story on hard. If you do this and a load of bounties you'll get to level 20 fast. I got to level 20 in 3 and a half hours of game time. I'm now level 28 and I still haven't unlocked Mars xD
Just made my third character add blaisedaboss_5 if interested in doing missions together to gain xp faster
Lvl 5 hunter looking for help. Msg on xb1 gt same as above
Lvl 12 character need help add spartan1033
Level 9 need help need 1 guy
Plan on playing all day today. Leveling up my hunter right now and plan on leveling my warlock next. Gt is above.
Just started a new 3rd character (hunter). Trying to run with others who wanna help or start new character as well. Msg my gt on x1: Big Mac Wins Currently lvl 4
Looking for a fireteam with a mic to level up my level 7 Titan alternate msg me X1 gt dab83
I need help now ! Xbone
I'm lvl 23 and I'm new to this game. Need better understanding. Help! PS3 psn same as user.
Looking to level up fast. just started a freshie! meekly level 3 in need of help! add me PS4 phoenixfire42586
Level 15 warlock trying to get to 20 Xbox one Message xHateMoshx
I have a lv4 character I'm working on right now ps3 add me jaydenroxs
Can anyone help me level my Titan that's level 8 by helping me do missions to get more xp? I have a level 32 Hunter but I want to work on my Titan. Message PHXxSH00TER if you can help. Thanks so much. I'm on the Xbox One
Looking for some help with remaking a character and gettin him to 20 to put his 32 armor back on, I'm gonna start at phogoth strike then go to first Venus mission. Looking for a high level to help blast thru harder missions faster/someone at the same level and place Msg or leave gt below for inv Gamertag is wileEcroyote Thanks
Lvl 9 Titan 360 fLLNt sky to lvl with or to be power Lvld grimore score 2285
I'm looking too level up fast as possible I'm at lvl 10 and need to get to 20 real fast msg me at gt TryHardFrito on xbox one only
Looking for someone to power lv me through the story starting on Venus. Lv 12 Titan same gamer tag as above
Edited by henpek985: 3/28/2015 4:08:01 AMLvl 7 titan willing to join any game to lvl up gt same as name xbox 1
Level 12 titan xbox1 need some people to play with
Lvl 2 hunter just made
Level 12 titan just looking for people to play with
Just made a new Character Titian Currently level 3 Starting at "The Dark Within" mission Room for 2 extra Msg GT above for invite (This is my 4th or 5th Titian, I get board easily and delete characters often to start new ones)
Level 16 warlock need helping leveling anyone up? Xbox one
Just made a new charter msg me for invite@ deltaknightii xbox 1
Ps4 Lv29 Titan looking at running through all story missions starting from second moon mission... Anyone that wants to tag along Add Michaelbradley69