Everyone used auto rifles until this update that rendered autos useless. You gave pulse rifles a much needed buff but you have nerfed auto rifles to the point of uselessness. If you could just fix one thing without making another thing a problem that would be great.
I played some Clash and Control last night, I was working on leveling my Ice Breaker (finally) so I had to un-equip my Red Death. The only other legendary gun I had was Vanquisher VIII, an auto rifle. I was a big auto rifle fan through the whole campaign, in fact I ONLY used auto rifles. I'd just like to say, auto rifles are not as weak as everyone is making them out to be. They certainly aren't what they were when I was playing through campaign several months ago, but they are still very easy to pick up a kill with in Crucible, at least the V8 still is anyways. The majority of my kills last night were with my Ice Breaker (because I was leveling it), next was my V8, with the majority of those kills coming from having bodied someone with the ice breaker, then switching to my V8 to finish them off in 1 or 2 hits. Lastly, I picked up a few kills with purely the V8 by just hitting my shots and having some fancy footwork. Why will I keep using auto rifles? Because they have a role that is still very useful. Think back to the Halo 3 days, the plasma pistol and any other gun. One charged shot from the plasma pistol and their shields went down (Secondary weapon in Destiny) and then you quickly switch to your other gun (Auto rifle in destiny) and pick up the kill. I'm not saying this is all they are good for, as I did pick up a few kills using only my V8, but when you combine the power of your secondary and the fast and constant fire rate of an auto rifle, it is still very strong. Do they need to be buffed? Perhaps a little. Do they need the overhaul some people are suggesting? No. You probably aren't going to be able to run into flat 2v1's and come out alive using only your auto rifle, but let's be real, how is it fun if the gun is so strong you can't lose, even against the odds?