Having read the weekly update, as a programmer, I'm left scratching my head as to the "memory restriction" used as explanation regarding vault space limitations. It makes absolutely no sense.
I'm aware each weapon may have its own unique ID, meaning all stats must be assigned to the ID when upgrading, but this isn't a limitation that should restrict the vault space. By all impression, stats should be stored outside of the weapon, which I'm assuming is done on Bungie's servers.
No, I can't say there's a memory limitation, but rather, a design limitation. It's quite clear the vault's UI isn't scalable, which means it's a fixed width, and there's no way to expand it because it's part of the source. This is proven by looking at every other element of the game, most notably the vendors, who, despite having multiple weapons in the game, can never supply them all at once because there's no way to add a scrolling screen.
Perhaps the developers thought people would simply keep a few of their favorites and break down everything else. This makes sense, but it also explains why people have far, far, far more weapon parts and armor parts than they'll ever use (those aren't unique, explaining why we can get into the 1000s). Ammo was intentionally capped, though the reason remains unclear.
When I left Destiny months ago, I tired of the grind of the game. I still keep my ear to the ground, hoping game-changing news will appear, but this latest update is read as an insult, not an explanation. The game wasn't designed very well, but rather than admit that, we get "memory limitations on older consoles", which is laughable considering nothing about the game is stored in the console's memory when we're off the Tower (what, does the vault follow us?)
The effort of explaining was nice, to a degree, but it's really not what people want. I loved the soda analogy used, because that's pretty much what's going on. We're not gaining any vault space at all. Instead, things are just shifted to give the impression because the design can't be changed.
The most disappointing part of this realization is that, while there were weapons I wouldn't use again in battle, keeping some of those I did use as a memory of my adventure would have been nice. When I play Skyrim, for example, I don't toss out the bows I use once I find something better. Instead, I put them on display in my house.
Because that's what adventurers do.
So, when is Destiny 2 coming out? I think, honestly, this is the only way Destiny gets fixed. Want to bet developers keep a copy of this game on their PCs for nostalgia's sake?
Well, doesn't look like I'll be returning to the game anytime soon. A shame. To be honest, I do miss it. Sadly, the elements which take the fun away from this game are still persistent, and it doesn't look like they're going to get fixed.
Programmer, out.
Edited by xEMIx Korgano: 3/29/2015 8:49:04 PM[quote]this latest update is read as an insult, not an explanation.[/quote] I could not agree more with this statement. I'm insulted that they use "4 or fewer open slots" as their only means of measuring the need for more space. I'm insulted that they are hoping to "get this off their plate" by throwing 4 token spaces at us, and calling it good enough for now. Bungie, give us a little follow through. Roll up your sleeves and get to work. Don't give up at the first obstacle just because it's hard to be a programmer. You're like the kid who refuses to do the sink full of dishes because it will get his hands dirty. Then hopes his parent will say its good enough. Dont just give us 4 dishes Bungie, wash them all!
Great post. Thanks for sharing your insight. Do you mind if I link to it in the thread I've shared above?
What about making it a multi page layout like your character/roster/options screen? No changes to the interface, but just add more interfaces?
Fantastic read, thank you for your input.