I do not to shabby with my Monté Carlo. Comes down to who can land the most crits.
Always does. Its the player not the gun. I was killin people . with bad juju pre-buff. Its all about strat and knowing how.to use the gun.
I won't use tonight for an example. Lol Didn't have a very good run this evening. But new maps always mess me up. Tried TDB maps this evening. MIDA's and thorns and hawkmoon's... Not the best with hand cannons. Got rekd I did lol
I love the new maps with my mida. (Pre xur) its.almost fully upgraded. Got it a couple weeks back and started upgrading it rite before iron banner & straight sniping kids with 60 crits n shit. Love mida
Same here lma9
Exactly, their still effective these scrubs just dont know how 2 use them. And everyone is a 'halo fanatic' so why bitch about AR's when BR'S were dominant in halo. Yall should be loving this update not hating it. ARs are for scrubs who cant aim. If you can aim with an AR theyre just as effective as any other weapon