The Crucible is overrun with Pulse Rifles, Handcannons, and Shotguns. The majority of AR's are trash, up to the point where they don't even contend with the top five weapons in Crucible. We should see Bungie buff the impact & stability of all AR base stats by 2 - 3%. Range can stay low where it's at. What are your thoughts?
Edit: the current issue is when I engage in an advantageous one-on-one gunfight, built for me to win and lose simply because my weapon is underwhelming. This lets us know that these weapons are terribly imbalanced. Granted I'm not the strongest of players but I understand tact & game flow.
Or at least just in PVE... Some of my favorite guns just collect dust in the vault now and I don't even care about being competive. Just want to have fun