Why why why WHY WHY?!?!? I f*cking earned my damn mida multi-tool! As a matter of fact, I earned EVERYTHING IN XÛR'S INVENTORY. NOW EVERY SINGLE SCRUB WILL HAVE MULTI-TOOL, OBSIDIAN MIND, AND RUIN WINGS.
Child predators > Xûrners
Terrorists > Xûrners
Hitler > Xûrners
Damn you Xûrners. You disgust me.
Edited by DatNeon: 3/28/2015 2:52:38 AMI bought MIDA, obsidian mind, and aclyophage symbiote. Suck it. Guess what, I already had "earned" my ruin wings. And you know what? If I hadn't "earned" them through getting lucky after beating a super easy nightfall, I would've Xurned those too.