Are you having trouble leveling up your second/third character, or are new to the game and need help? Well no more! Just post your Level, Gamertag, and what you need help with. Ex:
Gamertag: Elusyd
Level: 32
Need help with leveling up to 20.
Feel free to add me anytime you want, and unless I'm helping someone else or are already in a raid I should be able to help! It would also be nice to see other 32's volunteering or at least keep this post going so that other lower levels can also receive help!
Update: Im glad to see that people are actually using this topic! I feel as though even if the game is stale for you, helping others get their thrills in the game almost makes it feel new again! Keep it going!
[quote]Are you having trouble leveling up your second/third character, or are new to the game and need help? Well no more! Just post your Level, Gamertag, and what you need help with. Ex: Gamertag: Elusyd Level: 32 Need help with leveling up to 20. Feel free to add me anytime you want, and unless I'm helping someone else or are already in a raid I should be able to help! It would also be nice to see other 32's volunteering or at least keep this post going so that other lower levels can also receive help! Update: Im glad to see that people are actually using this topic! I feel as though even if the game is stale for you, helping others get their thrills in the game almost makes it feel new again! Keep it going![/quote]lvl 8 psn above have mic
Level 10 warlock. Experienced player, new character. Someone wanna level up with me, have mic. Gt:dannylux123
Level 16 Titan looking for players around the same level or someone willing to help with power leveling to 20. Send invite to GT InfinitMugetsu on PSN.
I have a level 9 just trying to push to whatever level people can help me with this will be my third character
I'm on Xbox one
Lvl 32 hunter and lvl 32 warlock feel free to add me anytime I will help you as soon as I can!
Level four Gt above Xbox one
Emperor_Hostile Lvl 22 warlock Looking to do some high level raids
Lvl 2 Warlock og Anthonyy
Lv 12 warlock
Lvl 2 hunter Need help leveling up quick
I'm a level 10 hunter at Venus looking for help to power up to level 20. If anyone can help just now please send me a message for invite. GT as above would be much appreciated. Shouldn't take long
Level 10 warlock second character looking for people of my level or above psn troy_pinkney33
I fancy creating a new character. If anyone wants to run the story with me to power level to 20 fast my gt is TED88 I'm on xbox one. uk time. I'm on most nights till late
Im lvl 10 and want to get to 20 quick pls help add ahritrox
Im lvl 1 Hunter Need 3 to help me to do it quick Add insane_daffyduck
PSN (ps4): Pandazringmybell level 11 looking to go through levels with others trying to level up or anyone who is a higher level and just wants to help
Edited by ReaganRhythm: 4/2/2015 7:51:01 PMDoing story missions on Venus. Wanna join? Lvl 16 Titan. PS3
Edited by ZOMBYGRINDER: 4/2/2015 7:02:09 PMNeed help leveling up im a level 16 warlock On ps4
Level 9 warlock hoping to go through the story with someone ps3 on 1st moon mission
Level 10 Titan on PS4! Working on my third character! Need help getting to level 20 fast!!! Add me on PS4! PSN: "JaysonVQ"
I'm a level 5 Titan 3rd character need help leveling up to 20 I'll be good from there someone please help my gt is listed above send friend request or join when ever I'm on Xbox One now thanks Guardians
Lvl 20 hunter. Wanna get him to lvl 25 as quick as possible. Anyone up to help out message or inv me gt same as above
Looking for people to lvl up with I'm on the first mission ( not including the pregame mission) on xbox one GT above
PS3 Experienced Player Level 20 Hunter looking for some strike partners
Looking for people to power level my new Titan in about 20 min I just made it ( I had one then deleted and made another warlock and just re created my titan again ) inv me to a party or something GT above