Are you having trouble leveling up your second/third character, or are new to the game and need help? Well no more! Just post your Level, Gamertag, and what you need help with. Ex:
Gamertag: Elusyd
Level: 32
Need help with leveling up to 20.
Feel free to add me anytime you want, and unless I'm helping someone else or are already in a raid I should be able to help! It would also be nice to see other 32's volunteering or at least keep this post going so that other lower levels can also receive help!
Update: Im glad to see that people are actually using this topic! I feel as though even if the game is stale for you, helping others get their thrills in the game almost makes it feel new again! Keep it going!
Looking for people to power level my new Titan in about 20 min I just made it ( I had one then deleted and made another warlock and just re created my titan again ) inv me to a party or something GT above
Level 5 titan looking to level up fast please, add AdamXZC
Level 3 warlock looking to power level on Xbox one. Gt:dannylux123 Experienced player.
Ps4 Level 6 Titan looking to run through story to level up fast, add me if interested
Level 10 Titan on PS4! Working on my third character! Need help getting to level 20 fast!!! Add me on PS4! PSN: "JaysonVQ"
Level 3 warlock second character looking for people of my level or above psn troy_pinkney33
Lvl 13 Titan looking to run some story missions. Anyone want to join? PS3: ReaganRhythm
Level 10 hunter on the Xbox one gamertag AssassinMundo
Level 10 Titan! Need to get to Lvl 20 fast! Add "JaysonVQ" please
Ps4 Lv4 warlock. Looking to run through the campaign to level up. Psn: Hiddenkolt45
Xbox 360 lvl 2 Warlock looking to power level. Invite GT Siruall
I'm a level 2 hunter. It's my third character and I want to get him up to 20 fast. Can anyone help? Xbox one leave a message on here please
[quote]Are you having trouble leveling up your second/third character, or are new to the game and need help? Well no more! Just post your Level, Gamertag, and what you need help with. Ex: Gamertag: Elusyd Level: 32 Need help with leveling up to 20. Feel free to add me anytime you want, and unless I'm helping someone else or are already in a raid I should be able to help! It would also be nice to see other 32's volunteering or at least keep this post going so that other lower levels can also receive help! Update: Im glad to see that people are actually using this topic! I feel as though even if the game is stale for you, helping others get their thrills in the game almost makes it feel new again! Keep it going![/quote]level 2 last character psn is above
Edited by friedricetheman: 4/2/2015 8:54:13 AMI'll gladly take anyone into Nightfall. But be forewarned that I am an average player at best. I'm on ps4. Add me if you want some company for Nightfalls. PSN name same as my bungie id.. Ps - I think the lowest level that you can actually join a nightfall game is 28. But if you are lower than that, I will be more than happy to help you level..
Level 9 hunter Psn:SMIFFY2905
Just started a warlock, would like to get through the story fast and get to level 20. If anyone wants to do it with me send me a message in game. I am very experienced and on 360. GT is bpe247
Edited by FatxicanatoR: 4/2/2015 8:22:44 AMNeed help with Titan I am a 15 but can also help low levels if needed on xbox 360
Need help just made a new Hunter lvl 2 would like to go through story fast! Message WAR Sosa for invite thanks!
Lvl 8 Titan looking to go to lvl 20 fast add me.
Can anyone help me go through the nightfall? (PS4) 28 titan with maxed void weapons Psn-Amonila
Same as op. If im not in raid or helping someone hit me up. Level 32 for 3 characters. On ps4 add "omg_itz_homie"
31 hunter. I don't mind helping people get to level 20. Xb1 gt: Ladyz Kelz invite.
Hunter level 7 need help leveling ps4 BoD_WuLf
Level 16 hunter looking for help to get to 20 Xbox one gt is above
Could anyone please help me level my new Titan? I'm currently Lvl 8. Anyone down to run through story on hard? Message me on Xbox 360. GT Rx PHILthy.