Are you having trouble leveling up your second/third character, or are new to the game and need help? Well no more! Just post your Level, Gamertag, and what you need help with. Ex:
Gamertag: Elusyd
Level: 32
Need help with leveling up to 20.
Feel free to add me anytime you want, and unless I'm helping someone else or are already in a raid I should be able to help! It would also be nice to see other 32's volunteering or at least keep this post going so that other lower levels can also receive help!
Update: Im glad to see that people are actually using this topic! I feel as though even if the game is stale for you, helping others get their thrills in the game almost makes it feel new again! Keep it going!
Lvl 30 Hunter want to learn how to raid XB1 I have icebreaker that's almost leveled all the way really wanna run VoG GT is same as above if you wanna run VoG message me
Xbox 360 Looking for someone to help me do Mars with my warlock, would be greatly appreciated and I will help carry you through any raid or nightfall with my 32 if needed, gt same as above
Xbox one level 27 need help doing night fall message me TrentBardo11 I have Galahorn fang of it yut and black hammer message me fast
Edited by Areo Panda: 3/30/2015 1:24:51 AMXbone Xbone Xbone Lvl 10 warlock Any and all help appreciated even if only for one mission GT: Areo Panda
Lv 7 Titan Need help through story Xbox one Gt is name
Insight_genetic Titan:13 leveling to 20
xbox 360 SW1ft MOnkeys Need help getting to 20 Im a titan
Lv 6 Titan Need help through story Xbox one Gt is name
If on Xbox one I will help you lvl up to 32 fast Requirements have a Mic and new dlc
12 warlock on Xbox360 trying to get to 20 as fast as possible. Inv gt same as above
Edited by Cribbs4MVP: 3/30/2015 12:30:03 AMGamertag: Cribbs4MVP Level 12 Warlock Storymode leveling as quick as possible to 20 I'm on XboxOne
So I'm a 25 hunter and have 2 more 32s I'm going to be farming vanguard tiger in ps4 until I have 150 marks if you'd like to join add me psn is same as name Once you get up levels I can help you through raids and night falls would be appreciated if you have a mic
Lvl 9 warlock looking to go through story fast. Add me on ps4: The_Legit_Bean
Lvl 7 warlock LF power level or group Xbox one GT Judicial Ape
Edited by Giranam0: 3/29/2015 11:54:22 PMLvl 9 warlock looking to boost through story. GT same as above. On Xbone
Can somebody please carry me through Crotas end I have Crota checkpoint and will do anything in return[PS3]
I play on Xbox one I am willing to help anyone with anything they need just have a Mic and invite me gt worshiper
Edited by zakk7ary: 3/29/2015 11:32:23 PMLVL 2 Hunter wanting to lvl up fast to 20 anybody else willing to do it with me (console is ps3/ps4) GT is Zakk7ary
Add MannyKiny going from level 2 to level 20 need help plzzz
Lvl 12 Titan on Xbox one looking for help im experienced so I won't be a pain I have a 32 hunter and a 32 lock msg me gt same as above
Can somebody please carry me through Crota I'll do anything in return
Edited by Hawko: 3/29/2015 11:14:50 PMLevel 3 Titan. I need to get to lvl20, anyone willing to help? Xbox 1 Will help with raids/nightfalls on other character. Gtag is same as above
I'm at 22 and need to level up fast Xbox one gamertag: M015TD0LPH1N
I am level 12 I need people to help me would really appreciate it message GT above for invite
Edited by MCBAMF: 3/29/2015 10:48:28 PMThis my 3rd character I'm level 3, just trying to get to level 20 fast message me on Xbox one gt same as above
anyone trying to do story? lvl 9 now. mesaage me on XBOX ONE gt: Swampyy Donkeyy