Only girl I'll probably ever love sent me this:
I cant say that I've only talked to one guy, which is you. But I cant deny that a part of me loosens up when talking to you. Immature jokes and racist comments became a part of our friendship. There was a time when I was sure of my feelings, but I really never had the guts to tell you because I thought that you'd never reciprocate it, you being heartless and all (haha) So I guarded myself, emotionally staying away from and forcing myself to believe that you only want me as friend, so imagine my suprise when you told me you did reciprocate those feelings. I dont know exactly when but I realized that this whole thing wouldn't happen. I knew that if I mess something, which is bound to happen, I knew that our friendship will be ruined. Think about this, would you throw away two years of friendship for a chance at something else? Maybe you'd answer yes but face it, I'm scared. I can't do the "risk it" thing John told me about. I know I'm being selfish, making you hide your feelings to be my friend, and I'm really sorry about that.
Honestly, I dont even know what to do now. Telling you to move on seems insensitive of me, but I really have no choice. I cant let you think that something's going to happen between us. I'm sorry.
If Ted and robin can do it so can you [spoiler]how I met your mother spoiler[/spoiler]
Im guessing you Never watch how i net your mother
No :P
Damm you're missing out
But there's like 7 seasons!!! There's to many!!
It's the best series like just watch it One a day Your missing out Like do you know what it means to suit up
Edited by grenif: 4/2/2015 6:23:02 AMShould've crossed her name out wrote your's, send it back. Works errytime...
i cri everitiem
Atleast she responded to you, unlike my crush....
How bad did it go?
Wrote a letter to her, she still hasn't responded
How long hasn't she responded?
A week
Seen her in person since then? Or talked to her?
Lol no, but when she probably has over 100 friends she won't care about losing one.
Were u really close? (questions are for assessing both our situations)
Edited by LordofArbiters: 4/1/2015 12:04:20 PMYep, we talked every day :( but only as best friends
[quote]Lol no, but when she probably has over 100 friends she won't care about losing one.[/quote] Then don't say that In my situation, we were really, as in extremely, close. We even talked about people who do have crushes on us and who each other's are. Eventually it would die down as secret (or in my case none). I asked her to prom and she said yes, and we had to ensure everyone we were going as just friends. In Valentine's, I told her I did like her. She said she liked me back but didn't want to get into a relationship to prevent losing me (she had a previous relationship with another friend and it ended horribly, they don't talk anymore, as in ever). I eventually settled to the fact that she just said that to prevent hurting me. I told these to my friends (some of hers too) and they told her. They reported back (didn't tell them to lol) and said she told them she was guilty for making me feel this way and that she really does like me back. Right now, I think I'll wait it out, we still talk everyday. For your case, maybe she's thinking it out. Obviously if you're as close as you said she wouldn't want to lose a friend and you wouldn't want that either right? You can start talking to her again, maybe even ask about the letter you sent but don't push it like you're desperate or anything.
Well I don't wanna seem desperate and the fact she called me creepy... So it would be pretty awkward. She also told one of my friends this: "Why would you go on a date with someone you hardly know?" She also has a boyfriend :(
Well the boyfriend part just killed my argument. And the hardly know part, u said ur best friends right? And yes, no creepy If she's ur "the one" then maybe if the boyfriend is a piece of shît u can be next or you can move on, it'll hurt but that's ur only choice.
I'm trying to move on though, now if she can stop getting into my dreams...
Tell her that it's building a relationship, not risking it, even if you broke up, you would eventually become friends again.