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3/28/2015 2:12:09 PM
I'd give it an 8, which is a shame because it could be a 10. Some of the issues bother me less even though they annoy me like the cut scenes. I can see how bungie thought we wouldn't want to skip them. However, some issues are so glaring it makes you wonder how the hell this happened. Why would you make gear so situational, no one weapon or piece of armor covers all encounters then give limited storage space. Who thought nobody would keep weapons when you can only equip one exotic and tier one weapons are still useful in the crucible. Also, you can run indefinitely but you have to wait five seconds each time you stop? Of all things to cut out, the story is one? On a game like this?! I would've loved to be a fly on the wall of that meeting where someone thought it'd a good idea to remove the story. Lmfao

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