Why are so many people so negative in the community. Destiny is a good game, Bungie are working to make something special and I think they are doing a great job. I've been playing games for 30 years. And this game does create opportunities for a player to solve gaming puzzles. For me, it'll be the last game I will buy as I have a son and life has changed. But I will play this when I can. I know I will probably never get a legendary or run a raid. That doesn't matter, it's fun and a good game to go out on.
Thanks Bungie.
Right special game yea special as is how specially crappy it is !! Think 30 years of playing and you think lag pvp same weapons doing different damage in game yet all are the same yet some people bungie system seems to screw over ! Grinding to get crap rewards , rng is crap player grind for 70 hr to get a weapon and noob on for 7 hr get it ! I won't go on but I see how it's so special !