originally posted in:DoD Brotherhood
Hello everyone, just thought I'd introduce myself. My user name is FATLIVER999, I live in the UK and normally online from 7-8:00pm (GMT+0) weekdays and whenever I can on the weekends. I have a couple of guys who I normally run with but am looking to friend more people so we can start to attempt raids, strikes etc. We are all easy going level 30-31 guardians who are looking to level up and have a laugh so if your interested please send me a friend request mentioning the Brotherhood. :)
Great fun raiding with you guys last night. Cheers fot the invite.
New guy here too. If you don't mind playing with someone in the US feel free to add me. I'll help out anytime I'm on. Most of my friends are playing other games so I'm just knocking out bounties.
Hello there i am new myself, when i get on later i will add you. I am trying to get a raid together for later tonight if you are intetested.