[quote]Your a dick you know[/quote]
Lol. It's [i]you're[/i]. If you want to insult me, at least use the correct words, you mongoloid...
What i really meant by this whole thing is i want thunderlord its beast and i wish he could sell super good advice because i want that too i never wanted this to happen its im really bad at getting exotic bounties i wish just nobody would have commented i already get to much of this shit on youtube it makes me just want to kill myself its -blam!-ing annoying
If you are serious about killing yourself, take a step back. These are just internet comments from random people. Don't take them that seriously.
Well i recieve so much hate on comments its unbelievable
Not you your probably the least insulting you at least agreed with me this topic is horrible i know if it looked that way to you im sorry and want to make up