Yes it does, now do you wanna help with the crisis?
it deosnt casue you jjsut god modded around and DEUS EX MACHINA the bulidings unitl it makes sense it counts
That was a character of a plot, not my character, you're not supposed to know how or why things happened.
[spoiler]you shoudl tell me this things and ehither way its god mod[/spoiler]
Your opinion doesn't matter, just because you don't like it doesn't mean you can plug your ears and say "Nu-Uh! Nu-Uh!"
and you cant jsut come around and palce your stroy on God mod and deus ex machina
Something exploded and you call God mod? Get real dude.
i meant that your Mr.Emo MC.shady jsut wlaked unvulnerable to any attack.