[b]*The Dojo is morphing, small cracks in the ground are producing lava, the place is looking more and more like Hell every minute. [/b]
[b]*Some SMAC cannons have been composed, air vehicles be cautious.*[/b]
Edited by Numero Uno: 3/28/2015 11:05:49 PM*meditates, after a few seconds the lava begins to cool and the cracks are closed*
*It is an ongoing process.*
*summons rock clones around favorite tree* These will take my place in meditation to hold the ground, the tree protects them and boost their earth bending to equal that of my own.
-blam!- IT *takes out contorler* SORRY SNESEI!!!!!!!!!!!!! *pushes button* *A planet sised Samurai appears close to the planet* *Dojotron* Defend the art of combat *swings the sword laucnhing a laser that destroys all enemy untis*
*Barrier breaks the sword*
*smiles* you Empire lackeys clearly understimate the power of the Dojo. *the barrier is broken by the sword laser* *Dojotron* COmbat must pass throght Generations *swings the sword destroing more enemy ships*
[i]Taps into commlink Drones! Protocol G-9S![/i] *drones the size of Taurus walk out slowly* *they drill into the ground, and together, start pulling cracks together*
*The lava that occupies the cracks prevent this, continuing will make them larger*
Aha! [i]Taps into commlink Protocol 67![/i] *drones abandon attempts, and spray lava with liquid nitrogen, the now dry lava preventing further damage*
[b]*Archmages begin composing droids*[/b]
Edited by Alonfé: 3/28/2015 11:18:09 PM[b]*Archmages wiped out*[/b] [b]*Drones continue, 45% complete*[/b]
Will be cautious. Fleet! Çmfŕ´ˇ zfackovaný وتفلسفMurçوměl
Aren't you working with the Oblivion?
I'm working against the dojo. Right now that all I know.
Then the oblivion is going to Attack you also.
I'm your ally