*drives away*
Alright that was close... [spoiler]*Hears thumping on taxi roof*[/spoiler]Oh god he's here... [spoiler]*Pulls out SMG and sprays the roof*[/spoiler]
*laughs maniacally as i violently swerve*
*Gun runs out of ammo, thumping continues* WTF! The bastards still alive!? *Pulls out flamethrower and starts burning the roof while singing: [quote]Da roof, da roof, DA ROOF IS ON FIRE![/quote]
*it gets too hot, i think about taking my sweater off* *continues to swerve*
*Flamethrower runs out of fuel, thumping continues* WTF, is Nicholas Cage a god!? That's it dammit, it's RPG TIME! *Pulls out RPG, yells yipi kai yay Mother F*cker, and fires away*
Fak! I'm sorry, but I'm thinking of summoning shia lebeouf
Oh god, this is gonna turn into a Mortal Combat match on a taxi rooftop!
Lmfao *summons shia lebeouf* Hue
[quote]Lmfao *summons shia lebeouf* Hue[/quote] HuelmaoroflIdied
Suddenly Roy Scheider's ghost teleports into the taxi and says [quote]I think we're gonna need a bigger boat.[/quote]
[spoiler]lmfao[/spoiler] *taxi morphs into bigger boat*
Suddenly we're in the water and The Robotic shark from "Jaws" eats the bigger taxi boat
*man from former sidewalk* AGGHHHH THE SHARK'S GOT MEEEEeeee......!
Steven Spielberg appears and gets pissed off cause the robotic shark's malfunctioning
Then the robot shark explodes as Michael Bay appears with a button!
Steven Spielberg gets really pissed off, and charges at Michael Bay with a crowbar