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3/29/2015 12:14:24 PM

Yes on more bank space

First of all thank you for bringing this to light I don't think the person really didn't do there homework when they looked at the bank, I will not go on the same rant that has been put In this post. but I will have to point out the fact that they are right about this size increase. So yes your basic noob would not have a full vault (depending on if they became a instant addict) some guys that don't play but the weekend or only when there friends are the guys they must be looking at because the hardcore raiders would be to much to understand and figure out. It takes a lot to finish the raids in this game so I carry my weapons proudly atheon I have every gun from that raid crota I have every gun from that raid should we not take pride in these accomplishments or should we be able to shout out we made it. Take my bank for example I have max lvl gear from a hunter left in my armor side of things just in case they want to give us a 4th slot for another toon or I just scrap one of my titans or my warlock anyway the majority of that portion of my bank is filled I have maybe 5slots there and you may ask why I still have that gear simply put I like the hunter and if I make another which in time will happen why should I start all over on his gear when I had all his gear before that with the exception of 1 gear pieces (the new helm from dark below) was max lvl. Now we will switch to items because there we have plenty of space I want to say 7-8 slots left with this area its simple most of my items are on my toons and the rest does not take much room. I mean commendations telemetry rounds for each gun type and sapphire wire and other odds and ends. but gun space if you look at how many exotic weapons there are plus just legendary weapons for each raid that is not enough after so many expansion and the hope for including a transmog system in the game i hold on to the older weapons . maybe if you start making more weapons that share more then one type of elemental dmg then we would not need so much space. but as it stands and the way that you keep making the weapons these are things we will need because above all else your game is situational and not all weapons work in every case.

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