I just got my final character to level 22, started to load up some Tiger Strikes, and thought everything was going pretty good. The first strike I did was Winter's Run, and we didnt' even make it inside the first cave because one player left, and the other player was going around farming for mats before the cave (not sure why since you can do that on patrols). Ok, I just got a bad fireteam, time to start over and try again.
The second strike I did was the Nexus, not a terribly difficult strike, but Sekrion can be a huge PITA if you don't know where to hide and shoot. We wiped, started back at the cliff with the Goblins, killed them, and then one of the players left. Fine, we can do this, 2 on 1, how hard can it be?! [b](RIP Top Gear UK...)[/b]. Apparently pretty hard, because we died, started over, killed the goblins, got back to Sekrion, and the other guy just stood there in the big boss room and left. Ok....this is getting annoying...
Third strike, 3rd times the charm right? RIGHT????? I got the Devil's Lair, not too difficult, run through the beginning, hold the position next to the train car in the Dinklebot room. Kill the Devil walker from the left side of the open area with a sniper, and lastly pick guys off from the building on the left side of the Sepiks Prime area...Nope, didn't even make it past the Dinklebot room, it should have been pretty apparent to me considering one of the players names was --TROLL_34-- or something like that and he was just sitting at the beginning (to which I pushed him into the knights and acolytes to try and kill him but he suddenly woke up when I did that). The troll left at the Dinklebot room, we wiped, and the third player hid out in the area right before the big room and didn't move.
Alright, so what's going on here? Quite simply, it seems that players are attempting to grind Vanguard marks for as little effort as possible which in turn ruins the experience for new players and players attempting to level up alts legit. I will get right to the point, there needs to be a change in the way Destiny handles it's "currency" and it's Strikes. Here is some feedback that I really hope Bungie reads, and implements not even in a patch, but the next game, or the next DLC:
[b]1. [/b]If you're going to have a cap on the amount of marks you get per week, make the limit a very high amount, no one should be getting 999 marks per week, but if they are, they probably need to stop for a bit and play something else. This also goes for Glimmer, and other caps in the game designed to "timegate" you into playing.
[b]2. [/b]Increase the total amount of marks earned to coincide with the increased cap, and we're talking like 10 marks for a Tiger Strike, not 5. Not an astronomically huge amount, but enough to feel like you're actually making progress. This one really is optional, if you increase this then you would obviously have to increase the cost of Vanguard gear to control the economy of the game. Just keep in mind that the cost of gear should NEVER be higher than the weekly cap on marks, this presents a defeated sense of "What's the point?" and kills the drive of players, or at least me, idk about everyone else, but I can't be the only one...
[b]3. [/b]Penalize players that drop out of Strikes on a regular basis to farm these currencies. You want people to play your content right Bungie? Then punish those who try to exploit the system. The last time I played WoW, they penalized you for joining and dropping out of LFR and LFG groups and prevented you from joining another for 30 minutes, the amount would increase the more you would drop in and out. I don't care how Bungie does this, penalize a player 1 or 2 marks by dropping out too many times, just do something.
[b]4. [/b]Give players a "vote to kick" option for AFK players. If they're not playing, kick em! Simple as that, other games have this feature and at this point in game development, it should be a standard across the board.
Finally I would like to say this, Bungie, you designed some of the best gunplay and gameplay I have ever played in an FPS/RPG. Please continue to update the game, and continue to make it a better environment. I have over 200 hours into this game, completed the VoG, gone through CE (haven't completed it yet), and I'm still not finished. I bought it twice because I felt that paying for multiplayer on PS4 is a joke (seriously, I can play online for free on PC and PS3 and have a better and more stable experience) and wanted to keep playing the game. Speaking of which, please take PC players into account for Destiny 2/Comet, or w/e you are working on, they deserve to play the game as much as a console player.
[b]TL/DR: People are afk'ing and dropping out of strikes to grind marks for gear and it's ruining the gameplay for legit players, provided some feedback in regards to marks and currency caps, hope Bungie and deej read it (who knows, miracles have happened)[/b]
[b]Edit: Wow, a lot of hate from a simple observation and attempted constructive criticism...no wonder everybody sh1ts on this game...[/b]
Edited by LONE RONIN2012: 3/29/2015 5:33:57 PMYour mistake is you are lvl 22 playing Tiger Strikes. Basically you are getting paired with bottom feeders that don't care at that level. All the players that are typically worth anything are in ROC strikes. Yea, I know. The same BS happens there, but very rare. I deal more with race car players than AFK players and/or those screwing off. I ran a Weekly at lvl 28 once with my Hunter. I was paired with a guy that brought all blues to the Omnigul fight, and none where arc damage. He kept running back to get a pike from somewhere. After that I leveled my Hunter to 30 since I didn't have these issues with my Warlock or Titan at lvl 31.
Farming vanguard marks, is part of the end game in Destiny. For BUNGIE to fix this problem, they would have to completely rework the game. I rarely run strikes any more, after hard mode raids, nightfall, and weeklies, there is just no challenge left in level 26 strikes.
Edited by GrimL0ckDown: 3/29/2015 4:28:19 PMPeople that quit strikes and run through them quickly are not ruining anything for anyone. They are helping you figure out which strikes are hot garbage. They just aren't stupid enough to kill every enemy and leave long strikes in order to get rewards quickly. Why would you spend 15 minutes killing omnigul when you can complete 2 Nexus in the same amount of time. Play smarter, not harder, kid.