*Subdues Maine*
I'm back. Meta killed Dusk and Thalia. Right in front of my eyes. Can anyone tell me if my wife and son are alive in the Empire?
May he rest in peace. His thanks are returned, he helped me through battle as well. *kneels with respect*
Who is Thalia?
Was dusk's girlfriend
My condolences.
Lol. Watching season 6 of rvb right now!
Um... no meta killed them
What were the names? Of those he killed?
Idk i just know there dead
Bodies? Give me some proof!
*drags body of a woman and a little kid* Are these it and there was a whole odst squad dead
*Sigh of relief* They're not them, thank God. But they look similar
[u]and[/u] a whole ODST squad.
I don't know any ODST's. Former ones, but no current ODST's.
Thats fine rookie has been....
I don't even know who they are.
I'll check.