*a bunch of weaposredna r ebeen tranpported into my personal bunker*
Thats good make sur they all work.
*a poster reading (Revolution) falls form the crats as i pick it up and hide inside my coat*
OK, finish quick and close the door with lock.
*shipment ends and door is locked*
*Private Sharp, who saw the whole thing, runs back to the embassy full speed.*
*I apear on a cloud of smoke and stop him* hey kid why in such a hurry? You should go to the starbucks its 75% off on my count.
"Uh.. Okay" *walks to Starbucks*
*orders a Mugg full of chocolate coffe and staand son the exit drinking it*
*Vex walks into the shop*
*moves to let you inside* How you doing? *cleans coffe stache from real stache*
"Hard day, lots of things to do, at least I get a little free time." *sits down next to the private*
*finishes drink places i ton a table and heads outside*
Sal, want any weapons i have an interesting blueprint to show you.
sure what youve got?
See this is the YUK.87, a assualt rifle / crossbkw hybrid excellent range and stability, fair impact and sadly low rate of fire just to score headshots. Do you accept?
*looks up at rifle* Seems good....... *shoots a round* seems storng. *places bakc on table* But we use our own kind of rifle for ANyy Salazar.co related troops its called HAC-Carbine rifle. but what else your got?
Thats my best.
hmmm disapointing. thanks for the offer tho.
Wait a minute let me check my armory i may have some things.
ok. ill be here *lights up smoke*
LR.52 heartbreaker Most accurate sniper i have with excellent range and stability. CLS.52 a shotgun with great impact and stability low magazine CXZ.shredder , an smg that can rip through metal in seconds Intrested?
*a drone with a table of weapons enters* Ok lets compare *ggrabs the Lr.52* Hmmm. claber 53, kinda small but stable. *chacks scope* smart zoom scope *checks the barrel*. rifling for longer ranges. Do you haave DMrvariants of this? *grabs the shotgun* Good muzzle spread. i dont think a shotgun need stability. *pump action. *seems cool* i do think i will buy some of ths. *grabs SMG* I dont liek this one, I already ahve an AR desgined fro this. and i give SMgs to operators not rambos
DMR équivalents yes. Introducing ZXR.98
ok i might buy some of this. do you sell them wiht redish revolutionary style?
Sure 1k is all im gonna ask for
per gun? seems to good to be true ill have a 100
the a 100 will bea drone willrpick em up on your workshop
There ready