It's time for Wrestlemania. If you don't watch it your a scrub.
I was a little upset that Sting lost. However I was watching some of the pre-show stuff earlier in the week and Flair made it a point to say that there was no way Triple H would lose his third Wrestlemania match in a row. Speaking of Triple H. That was by far the worst entrance he has ever had.
I haven't watched wrestling in a long time, but knowing Wrestlemania's going on right now still sends a nostalgic tingle through my soul.
Legit so peeved at intercontinental result
Edited by majir bardock: 3/30/2015 12:35:19 AMWrestling is fake
I'll wait to see the results afterwards... Can't spend the money I don't have :( Go Big Evil though!
It's fake by the way .
Edited by KINGxAlmighty: 3/30/2015 12:23:10 AMnWo holy shit this makes me miss Monday night wars
That RKO doe.......
Triple H FTW
DX boi
I hate Randy Orton
Randy's gonna win at least I hope
I'm a scrub? Why? Because I don't watch trash programming? WWE and any organization like it is ridiculous garbage with no value. Those "wrestlers" are untalented, trailer park rejects that couldn't handle getting a college degree and probably didn't even finish high school. I'm not really surprised that a Canadian thinks people are scrubs because they don't watch fake shit. Spend your time on something a with more redeeming value. Like trying to improve the global image of your pathetic, laughable country.
Wrestlemania is full of scrubs. Only inbred, uneducated rednecks watch that trash. In fact, I bet you'll be sitting on your trailer porch, in your underwear, watching it while you finger your sister.