Which system is superior? Or as to prevent the moving of this poll "which one is better to play Destiny on"
You can only win a million dollars on xbox. Enough said.
Gm time - old
Nintendo 64 -
Neither. Gameboy Color rains supreme
I personally thing that anyone who desires to make a forum post about this can crap themselves. PS4 isn't exactly superior over Xbox. People like each side for reasons such as childhood memories, racing/shooter exclusives, and the deals they get with each one. Accept that each console is good and sales don't show anything. Sales show how much each company advertised. I personally like my Xbox One for Forza Horizon 2 and Halo MCC and I get my Exo Zombies earlier than PS4 & PC does. I am a massive zombies fan so a month is a deal breaker for each console.
PS4 is superior in terms of everything such as better hardware, has better software, better UI, better controller ( it dosent use batteries like xbox one lol ), destiny exclusives, better games, has more user base, etc etc i sold my xbox because i got tired of the same old franchises like halo and the stupid batteries in a controller what is this 2005?
I pick whatever my friends are on. I was raised on Xbox because of my brothers and decided to get into gaming instead of crying over losing a boyfriend. Now, I cry because I don't have Ghorn.
I think we should just all come together and deal with PC elitists
I love it how the exclusive weapons and strikes are on PS4, but people still picked XB1. ;-P
I can wait for exclusives. I just like xbox more.
Xbox would be so much better if they had their exclusives ready a bit sooner