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Edited by Boom Shalock: 4/8/2015 3:28:01 PM

The classes are unbalanced in PvP and Hunters are heavily OP (Proof inside!)

I always had the impression, the classes are not well balanced and therefore I went to and did some research. I evaluated several Top-100 rank lists (score, K/D etc.) on their site across all platforms and statistically counted the occuring classes. This is the result as a distribution of classes among the Top 100 lists: [b]63% - Hunters 23% - Titans 14% - Warlocks[/b] This leaves two conclusions: 1. Good players play Hunters. 2. Hunters are the most powerful class concerning the Crucible. Personally I doubt 1, at least in with this numbers. Hunters are the most played class, but the distribution in pure played classes is somehow like 38:31:31 (H:T:W). How would you interpret these numbers? edit: It's typical for these forums, how you get attacked and flamed if you open hypothesis like this. Don't get me wrong, kids, I'm not calling for a nerf or anything. I just want to discuss the numbers. And I expect Bungie to do a decent retrospective in the classes balance! edit2: It's interesting to see, how nobody seems to care about this thread but the the Hunter fanboys, who solely come in to cry and tell me to stop crying and to stop to critic their beloved Hunter. This community is really immature and childish. edit3: A lot of people start to argue with class skills or player skills, but can we please reduce to the numbers I posted and you can try explaining them?

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  • Hunters are my friend

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  • I think that your conclusion is pretty accurate. I would change it to say that the hunter SPECIALS are op though. I think most top tier players recognize the hunter as having 2 specials that are not only deadly (like fist of havoc and nova bomb), but deliberate. The ability to have 3 (or 4) shots that are instant kills!? Amazing! The ability to clear out an entire control point by yourself? Amazing! The ability to choose which you want based in the map you are playing on? Fantastic! Hunters are probably the weakest class in Destiny PvP if we remove specials. They have no shoulder charges, no flame shields, etc. The way they are balanced is with the sheer terror they bring with their specials. So, if your non-special game is solid (like a top 100 player's would be) the hunter is an obvious choice to boost your kill count. Just my thoughts, this is by no means a statistical analysis or anything of the sort.

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    • Hunter classes are geared to pvp, it'd probably not the most played class but likely the most often picked for those that have all three. Hunter was my main, but in crucible I do better with Striker Titan or Voidwalker warlock than I do either Hunter class. With the special ammo Nerf and HandCannons becoming prevalent, chain of woes with a gunslinger would be handy

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    • Edited by ItsGman: 4/27/2015 2:36:34 PM
      Good players play hunters. That's what u said that's why they are top. If good players played other classes they would still be top. Therefore it's the player not the class. I can play on any class and still get top lobby most of the time

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      • A good sun singer Warlock is the most op shit ever.

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      • I've done well with all 3 classes and can say without a doubt that hunters are the easiest to use.

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      • At first I didn't like Hunters until I made one & now I love Gunslinger subclass

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      • Your title is honestly misleading and not true. I am not saying any class is overpowered or not but atleast have all 3 characters if you want to make a big old deal about it

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      • I play both Hunter and warlock. Only difference besides skill sets would be mobility. Hunter can move around a map faster than anyone else. I see it as a speed vs power type thing.

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      • Edited by FSM Blizzro: 4/27/2015 2:33:44 PM
        May I suggest that when one posts an inciteful title, one incites people? Your point would've been more valid to me and others had you instead been an adult and written "hunters are over represented in various top 100 lists". Because then your point has truth. Your point now is open to all sorts of discussion. Like I personally feel hunters are not OP. I play a warlock and hunter in PvP and have good stats on both (compared to a lot of people in this thread). A lot of people who "play all three" really don't. Hence I'm not including my Titan as I don't crucible on it. What I do feel however is that Hunters have the biggest capacity for a players skill to actually influence gameplay. A shit warlock will be okay, a shit hunter will be shit. A great player can do better with a hunter than a warlock and it's due to abilities that let your individual strategy and skill come through, like trip mine and throwing knife. Good use of invis (we see you, but your off the radar) etc.

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      • I've seen most youtubers play as a hunter

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      • I just think people should have at least tried every class before they say this stuff. I main a hunter but on the rare chance I go into the crucible I usually use my warlock. Idk just my play style I guess. Used my hunter in the crucible for a while before I made my other two and very often died while bladedancing and thought the hunter died too easily but if you got skill then the hunter might be much better to use.

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      • Warlocks are waaaaay better Hunters are #Overrated and want to get rid of my Hunter for another Titan.

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      • Well I wager it has to do with several things. ~first and formost hunters are on the front of the disc case. the other 2 classes are in the backround. ~second the spread of propaganda that hunters are OP hunter supers OP etc. People naturally go for the strongest/easiest things. Because it's much easier to do then actually improve yourself as a player. Note just because the community perceives something to be the best doesn't make it factually the best. ~ warlocks are ability heavy and titans require very unique styles of play. these are off putting to newer players or players not confident in their skills. ~hunter is the basic bitch class. Hunters rely much more on their guns then their abilities. If a lesser skilled player only needs to worry about being effective with his gun most of the time there is little pressure. Not to mention the hunter has the most universal jump known to platformer games and other popular titles. A double jump. ~my last point I can think of is hunter supers are statistically more efficient because they are single target. Meaning you will typically get more bang for your buck per super then most other classes do. I'm not going to get into any arguments. I think class balance is beautifully done actually. Hunters just receive the brunt of bitching because FPS multiplayer is still popular and hunters shine their best in pvp.

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      • Hunter supers are better because the Titan and warlock are better than them in every other category.

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        • Edited by TeKnoVKNG23: 4/27/2015 2:10:32 PM
          Was surprised Warlocks are lower than Titans, I actually enjoy my warlock much more than my Titan and feel that overall Titans are the worst suited for PVP, especially since they lack blink. I wouldn't necessarily say hunters are overpowered, but they are the easiest/low maintenance class to master for PVP. Both of their supers are very well suited to PVP and you have exotics that enhance both of them in terms of arc blade duration and giving them an extra golden gun shot. Personally I feel Hunters are the worst class to play in PVE, but they are geared more towards PVP with their abilities. The one drawback is they can be killed when activating their super, where with Warlock/Titan if you hit your super but die before it fires you still get to keep it. With a hunter if you are killed during your activation sequence you lose your super completely. Also people tend to go for hunters because they see all the better PVP players using, again because they are the easiest class to really master for PVP and when you get really good with them you can do some work in the crucible. You have the risk of being killed in your super, but when you get good enough to know when to activate it you can easily get 4-5 kills like its nothing with Arc Blade/Golden Gun. I've always found it much tougher to get big multi-kills on my titan and warlock with their supers. Hunters just make everything a bit easier, especially when you add in things like invisibility, but you still have to know how to use the class to be good with it. Personally I think Warlocks are better, but require a bit more knowledge and ability to play.

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        • Combine these numbers with the trophy percentages of the people that have mastered their classes and it shows an even bigger occurance in these findings.

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        • I think they're simply more attractive to more people. I personally chose Hunter because the description was suiting and attractive. That's it in my opinion.

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        • Pretty interesting

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        • I dont think its the most powerful class , but it has the most variety over the two subclasses imo. More fun also i think.

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        • Hunters dieting their super can be taken out worth a shotgun or sticky nade. Shut up kid

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        • Shut up the classes are fine.

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        • I just shoulder charged this post. You're welcome.

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        • Muted

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        • Hunters are just monkeys with easy mode supers. I'm far from the best Pvp player out there and I main a warlock for pvp, my stats are average, but even I know how easy it is. It's literally point and shoot, jump around like a fairy, attain super, point and shoot/spam R2, and repeat.

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        • Edited by Fromage of Havoc: 4/27/2015 1:15:24 PM
          I will have to agree that Hunters (the class, not the player) dominate PvP over other classes, but I wouldn't even say it's because of the super. I do a lot better on the Hunter than the other two characters, and the most aiding factors are agility, their jump, the ability to blink (which is nearly as annoying on a Warlock), the gun perks (Woe and Trance), and the ability to drop off the radar. In terms of grenades and melee (aka shotgun sub), I find Warlocks a lot more menacing. And Titan supers are the ultimate bitch, you have less time to react to it than any other super, and a very slim chance of stopping them from using it or dying in the process (within range). Granted how unpopular overall Titans seem to be, I'm surprised it surpassed Warlocks on the top 100. 14% is really it because of the glide?

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