We all know it should be coming....................
He gets stoned by all the guardians We get to use legendary engrams When they hit him they shatter and release Gjallahorns to rain from the sky
We should inject Ebola in his ass.
He should be granted a special version of sun singer revive that doesn't require a cooldown and given a Bad Juju, then forced to repeated shoot himself in the head -> die -> revive -> Bad Juju auto-reloads and never stops firing -> die --> revive...-> the cycle continues into infinity
Blood Eagled! #Vikings #RuthlessRagnar #gitsplitBorg
He gets tied to a bag full of all the ascendant materials he's given destiny players from legendary engrams & thrown in an ocean, just to drowned slowly.
Are you kidding me? Since the patch he is awesome. You scrubs don't know what it was like to have 5 purple engrams all turn into rare armor
He should be imprisoned for shady business practice. His cell mate will be the speaker. Put them inside the traveler. Destroy the traveler for bringing angry aliens with him. Then there will be peace and a dance party.
Tbagged by Valus.
A giant yellow engram falls through the sky onto the tower hitting him then exotics would fly upon the city.
Feed to phogoth
Sexually transmitted disease from an engram
Decapitated by Fallen Kell? Great cut scene in the making... Pun intended.
he just needs to get fired and dropped in the destiny ghetto with the bottom feeders decrypting old food stamps
A heart attack caused by Decrypting a blue engram that turns into a gjallarhorn. Hell that would give anybody a heart attack.
Analy -blam!- by phogoth
I like the lamp one lol
Oryx's head shoved up his rearhole
Turn him into an exotic engram to turn into his successor, who would then convert it into 3 ascendant shards.
A gjallarhorn in his ass
He should be given unlimited exotic engrams and will only get uncommon weapons and armour out of it, however he has to be forced to open them forever and if he refuses he will have to buy every single guardian an exotic engram with his own motes of light and give them what he wants!
Put him in the loot cave and use space magic so he can never leave
It should be a situation where his life can only be saved by a random number generator
[quote]How should Master Rahool die in Destiny 2? [/quote] That's arguably the funniest thread title on the forums for about six different reasons. XD I like the "Carmine moment" suggestion, capped with a death screen featuring the word "Misadventure" in the upper right corner.
I think he should decrypt poisoned engrams that make him puke and have a desire to eat poop while crying so he can get publicly humiliated forever! >:)
Loot Cave!