The goal is not to create a male hating clan. The goal is a safe place for women, especially women new to mmo. Who may fear harrassment from men, and would be more comfortable starting out with other women. Most of our members husbands and boyfriends comment that they wish they could join because we are nice, we communicate well, we are helpful & understanding, and our chat is more active ;)
1. destiny is not an mmo and 2. you are making a clan based on self segregation. your choice to make an only female clan only fuels the stereotype that most females aren't good enough to run with a normal group of guys. I play with a girl who's really good but half the time she goes on the app to find a group she's either ignored, kicked immediately for being a girl, or hounded for being a girl, but making a "separate but equal" clan isn't gonna help with that.
We don't have problems being kicked by lfg groups or being terrible players as you suggest. We just like playing with our lady friends and having pleasant conversation.
I would love to join this clan!!!
If you identify as female, please apply at the link in the original post above. :)
"identify" lol
- Your lol'ing says more about you than us. Thanks for the bump!
Bumping your own post 100 times is petty. Relax. Girls are excepted in the gaming community. This isn't exactly necessary.
Excepted - not included in the category or group specified. Given the experiences I and many of our members have had with some of the less desirable elements of the gaming community, I'd say that's an appropriate word. Not sure how your comments are meant to help, but thanks for continuing to bump our thread anyway!
I sent my request! :)
Jesus can you not bump this crap clans post every 5 sec?
Last time I checked, I have the freedom to bump or post whatever I'd like as long as it doesn't violate the code of conduct. If you don't want to see us at the top of the forums, you might want to rethink going on diatribes yourself - every post on this thread moves it back to the top. Thanks for the bumps!
have fun with Clan Segregation
Women. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Have fun with this:
Edited by ReaganRhythm: 12/23/2015 11:28:42 PM
so your comeback is saying that people who aren't good at videogames rage and say mean things to girls, news flash they'll say mean shit to anybody at that point but they're dumb so females are the only thing he can think he's better than.
it's like little kids, people go after em cuz they're easy targets but when a girl comes back with intelligent comments the guy usually ends up looking like a dummie