[spoiler]TL:DR - It is stupid that we start missions/strikes/raids with anything but fully loaded weapons.[/spoiler]
I am a soldier with incredible powers, embroiled in wars with four different races that have seemingly limitless numbers of foes to throw at me.
To assist me, I have a depressed, flying metal softball as a sidekick. He can open doors, "hack" any computer for the same information over and over again, and most importantly, connect me to my ship. That little Dinkle-bot can use space-magic technology to beam me down (Ouch, Star Trek intellectual property lawyers, stop hitting me!) to planets at the start of each daring mission I undertake, and beam me supplies throughout my mission.
My beloved ship is not limitless in its capacity, but it holds a goodly bit of gear. It can hold 9 each of the three weapon types I carry - Primary, Special, and Heavy. Add in the one I'm toting at the moment when I beam up, and that's an even 10. Not bad. It holds the same numbers of each other piece of gear I wear all the time - armor, "flair" items to show my allegiance to a meaningless faction (or to a bunny).... It also holds the funds and materials I use to buy new gear, including enough Plasteel Plating to build a new galdurned Tower for chris's sake.
What it [i][b]cannot[/b][/i] hold, however, is whatever leftover ammunition I have for my equipped weapons when I return from battle. If I beam up from defending Dinkle-bot from three waves of enemies of increasing durability, culminating in an epic struggle against a bullet sponge, I better not have any rockets left! Those have to go out the airlock, or my ship and Dinkle-bot will have some kind of space magic allergic reaction to them, blasting us all into nothingness; not even the light will be left.
My special weapon, be it a sniper rifle, shotgun, or fusion rifle, similarly better not have all the spare ammo it can carry strapped to my armor. If I bring anything more than half of its available allotment on board, BOOM!
It is a unique limitation of space travel that, no matter how much ammunition I have available at the end of a battle, I must always start the next with a full primary weapon, only half the ammo for my special, and no heavy ammo at all.
Tactically, I agree with you, dear reader. It only makes sense that a soldier would start every engagement with full ammo, no matter what. If I returned to my ship with one rocket, or no rockets, it would only make sense to load up on them again before throwing myself back into battle. But that simply cannot be, because whoever programmed my stupid ship to beam me down to start missions was a moron.
If only the Shipwright in the Tower could do anything more than ask me to scan the same things repeatedly, and occasionally decode the plans for "Rope to Heaven" for the 37th time, I might ask her to craft an ammunition storage locker into my ship so that I could bring full weapons into battle every time. It would only make sense.