Yes you! Sisterhood of Guardians is recruiting new members, whether you have been around since launch or are new to Destiny. We are a clan that puts our differences aside and joins together to fight the darkness. Every single guardian is willing to help. We have members from all platforms, xbox 360, ps3, ps4, and xbox one, so you are always going to find a friend to join you in game. Our only rules include 1.) You must be female and 2.) Must respect everyone within the clan. Hope to see you in game guardian!
Just wanted to say that I read (most of it -I got tired) what pi314pi said, and to say what I think. A female only clan is no more discriminating than making a clan of your friends from school or any other group. Obviously all of us want to play with the people we are most comfortable around. And everybody is entitled to do so. I also believe that it is the responsibility of each fireteam leader to ensure that all members are treated equally and have good time. So this is my way of showing some support. It's not like you need my permission anyway. I play with a few girls and other than being new, they are no worse than I was the first times I logged in. We all need practice to get better. So carry on, guardians. You will always be welcome on my fireteam.