Mmmm, some would see the blade design strange and petty, but again, like the Katar, the weapon if from Indian descent, and the force of punches and other fist blows usually fuelled these types of weapons.
That's cool I have an idea for mine [spoiler]you got a pic[/spoiler]
Basically this, but black and slightly transparent (hard light). The thing below the blade is the "gauntlet" part, or the part that would guard your hand.
I'll take it but I want a modification
Sure. What kind? [spoiler]Remember, this is a hard light generated blade, like those daggers, but I kind still modify. [/spoiler]
I want a shotgun attachment
Like, a wrist mounted shotgun attachment?
Hard light based, or literally attached to the gauntlet?
Hardlight based with acid pellets I want agility and power