originally posted in:XboxOne Raids
As title states, haven't been able to find people for a raid so I am calling out to my fellow guardians!
Main is a level 30 Titan and I would love to be taught raids and join a raid clan.
Fully prepared to do raids on a regular basis.
Send me a message over live, look forward to hearing from you!
if you want to raid, the number one thing you need to do is know the raid start to finesh BEFORE you start it in the game, as it is very hard to thoughly explain it mid match. i'd suggest watching DattoDoesDestiny on youtube, as his videos are very in depth and he takes it seriously.
Need 3 for normal gatekeeper cp
Level 28 Warlock and 27 titan atm, looking for more PSN friends to be able to easier do raids and nightfall etc.. Add: KimHasselager I play PS4 - I do have mic etc.
I'm a lvl 29 hunter willing to run on any difficulty GT-Tgilhousen52
Hey, I'm bored and wouldn't mind running you through normal crota right now if you'd like.