I wanted to create this as a VOG finder for experienced guardians. Too many times have I joined a p.u.g. and they had no idea what they were doing. I am hoping with this finder we can put an end to terrible p.u.g.s. Thank you to anyone who bumps this to show support.
Looking for one more at gatekeeper cp msg me on live Gt: n0xin
Lvl 32 hunter have a maxed ghorn Looking to do atheon gt: jrags9
i need swordbearer at crota cp gt is same
Looking for Vog hard fresh or cp lvl 32 experienced. MSG keiphers66 Let's get it!
Need oracle cp invite me 32 warlock
Need 3 for gatekeeper. Message Dat Neon Kush
Warlock 32 VoG hard nikitaBERserker Fresh run
Lf5 atheon CP message in game relic holders preferred
Level 32 hunter looking for gorgon cp and to finish raid. I can run relic, very experienced. Message gt above
Invite me if you need a lvl 31
Need 5 for Atheon. Message willfromthek on Xbox One for the invite.