It's the only known faction pulse rifle in the game and it belongs to FWC; it's also only attainable through Engram/Nightfalls/FWC Packages. Most players don't even know it's exists. I currently have only ever seen two, the one I have and another from a random player I met. Anyone else ever manage to get it/ see it as well? Am I missing a more rare gun in the game? Let me know.
Edit: damn, never expected this to be trending! Almost 400 replies!
really? it's not that great. i've been awarded it numerous times. no one uses it for a reason. #shotguns4life
Been killed by it once in Crucible.
Edited by CAMARO PDX: 3/31/2015 8:30:08 PMNever heard of it
I've had one.. It's really no more rare than any "faction drop" only weapon, as a far as I know.
I have several, but I did get one recently with a boss roll. Headseeker, field scout, and glass half full
I've got 5 or 6 from packages and nightfall
I actually got one last nightfall. It has rangefinder and glass half full so I might try it out soon.
I've seen like 1 other person with that weapon.
I have gotten 2 out of my last 2 NFs, but it sucks. Deleted both. Only 18 rounds with such a low impact=bad
Have one as well, lvl it up cuz it had decent perks for pvp, don't think it has enough impact for my liking tho. Still have mine tho, albeit its gathering dust in the vault
I've never even heard of it
I have one with third eye and full auto
Had 4 myself and if it had more than 18 bullets(6 bursts) it might be seen more. But that along with the NM fusion rifle i dont see, probably once in crucible for each
I've obtained 6. Only 2 had Good rolls though.
I've had all the FWC weapons and NM weapons.
I got vision and conduit idk which one to pick
I've got it(twice) but I cant get the FWC sniper(The Chosen), my Warlock uses it rarely - the low impact coupled with 6 bursts per clip makes it kind of meh, prefer 3 little words. I've got 1 char in each faction, always rolled good with New Monarchy, has all of their weapons early but can't roll chosen and I think 3 Dead Orbit guns(sniper,fusion,rocket launcher). I doubt any of the 'hidden' faction weapons are more or less rare, it's just the luck of the roll.
I had it and sharded it. Got it from a Nightfall a couple months back or so. Stats and perks were meh.
That the last gun I want. That and the coiled hiss. Every time it's one or the other.
Got rid of mine because it's shit and btw tons of guns can only be obtained that way it's not rare
It's a shit weapon with ultra low impact and a small mag size (I mean really- 18 rounds??? WTF Bungie??!!). I turned mine into energy almost immediately (even with some decent perks). It's one of the elite troll weapons for sure- just under the Nechrochasm. lol
I've had one but had to dismantle for vault space :(
I have it, it has 18 bullets in the mag.. pretty useless
I dismantled mine. It had horrible perks. I probably should have kept it now though due to the rarity
All factions have hidden weapons that aren't sold by their vendors -_-
all the FWC guns have the word "the" in their name the has 3 letters there are 3 sides to a triangle ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!