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3/31/2015 6:07:23 PM

--Archaeus-- To the Ground Below/ Chapter 6 (Part II)

--Archaeus-- To the Ground Below [i]Chapter 6 -[/i] Assault (Part II) \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ We came soaring down to the ground like a speeding bullet. Outside of the pod, we could see the other drops pods coming, and the ground below, which is slowly becoming larger and larger. The pod shook violently as we experienced major turbulence while falling. Just as we were about to plummet into the ground, the mini thrusters on the bottom of the pod activated and slowed down our descent, allowing us to touch down rather softly. After which, the blast doors of our pods opened, we were unbuckled automatically, and out we ran towards the base. We were all given plasma shields by the Alphas before we launched. They were located on the wrists, and when activated, they took the shape of a square and covered a large area of our bodies. These were generally used to make quick advances in the middle of the battlefield, sometimes in instances of self-defense. But these shields used up energy while deployed, and after being shot enough, so after a while, you need to wait for them to recharge. We readied those shields before we reached the base. Just as we were getting ready to enter cover and begin pelting the base with ammo, the Betas fired on us first. The red plasma bolts flew over and beside us as we rush to get to cover. Many bolts even directly connected with our shields, which created the effect of a raindrop plunging into a pond, or a river. Immediately, about ten soldiers were dropped, with more to come. We stayed in cover as long as we could, only peaking around to take out a machine gunner or two at the absolute right time. The battle raged on, and we took out many of their turret defenses, along with many of the infantry, surprisingly. It was finally time to move up to give some room to the Echo Company that would be dropping in behind us soon. Everybody simultaneously activated their plasma shield, crouched to gain maximum protection with it, and quickly marched forwards towards the next line of cover, slowly getting closer and closer to the gate. The next wave of soldiers dropped in behind and moved up to join us. We heard the sounds of multiple Alpha and Beta ships flying overhead, engaged in a massive dogfight. But we also heard something else. It almost sounded like a faint whistling that got louder and louder by the second. It was then that the huge object crashed into the ground ahead of us inside of the base. It caused a vicious rumble of the ground, and a heap of smoke and dirt to be lifted into the air. We all sat behind cover, peaking our heads over it to see what just crashed into the ground. So much smoke was lifted into the air, we couldn't even see into the base anymore. Just outside of it, and even that was shrouded by dirt. For whatever reason, the base turrets and infantry were no longer shooting at us, which I did not take to be a good sign. We eventually heard the sound of a machine doing...something inside of that cloud of dirt. Before we even got the chance to think about the sound, it was immediately followed by a barrage of plasma bolts, like ones fired from a chain gun of sorts. I ordered my squad to activate our shields and move up further. We weren't going to do anything to whatever this thing was from where we were at. Finally, the dust dissipated enough to see what the machine was. At first, it appeared as though it was just an average Beta, but upon closer inspection, it was not just a Beta. It was the enemy that Ceteris had warned me about. The heavily armored troops that are blasted down from orbit. We had a hard enough time taking out a single, unarmored Beta, and now we have to deal with an armored one? Great. We all opened fire on the Beta after it stopped shooting. It's armor playing was 100% bullet proof; we weren't doing anything to it. We needed help. "Badger squadron, we could really use some assistance right about now!" I screamed into the comm to the fighter jets that were deployed into battle. "Affirmative. What is your location?" "We're outside of the north side of the base. There's a heavily armored troop blocking the way, who is inside of the north gate." "Acknowledged. Target acquired. Beginning gun run. Danger close." Two jets from Badger squadron flew down and entered hover mode directly above us. They launched everything they had at that beast. The only thing that was effective against it was explosives, and those were barely doing anything themselves. The Beta fired upon the jets, who then exited hover mode and made a swift exit. "Sorry, ground team. That's too much firepower for us to handle, and our weapons aren't even doing anything. You'll have to improvise. Badger out." Just as I looked to my squad to make a game plan, I saw four Alphas in their power armor cloak and rush to climb over the walls of the base. They have some type of magnetic connector in their hands and feet to allow them to climb up metal surfaces. After a moment, the Beta stopped firing down on us, and we heard almost like a slashing sound. Like a blade being driven across a metallic surface. It was the Alphas, who were trying to overwhelm the beast. They were using their blue blades that they can conjure up to hack away at the throat of the Beta, but the armor was too thick, even for those. It wasn't but a minute more, and those Alphas were tossed outside the north gate, completely squished and disembodied. The death machine then began to walk forward out of the base. The ground literally shook with every step it took. Like the slow beating of a drum. We looked over the cover to see if it was walking towards us, but to our surprise, more Beta infantry came out and were standing right over us, just like before. We all leaped backwards and tried to hide behind some large rocks a few feet away, but Jackson was grabbed by one of them. Before we even got the chance to try and save him, the Juggernaut began to fire on us again, forcing us into cover. We looked to our own forces who were trying everything in their power to kill these things, but they were just too powerful. We finally had to use our last resort option and pull forward our demolitions team. They rushed from the far back of our forces and began to launched grenade launcher rounds and RPG's into the crowd of Betas. It actually worked for a while! We were actually killing these things! But it wasn't enough to save Jackson, who was ripped in half by the Beta who grabbed him...I'm getting so tired of losing men to these things. We needed to end this now. My hopes became the truth soon enough, because a single Destroyer from inside of the base flew up into the air. It was the insertion team; they got the ship! I guess they didn't plan on Juggernauts being dropped in so early, which made then rush to get the ship. The Destroyer spun around the base to get a view on the Betas below. The bottom of the ship opened up, revealing a new gun that was tucked inside. It was a rail gun of some kind. It slowly charged up over about seven seconds, but once ready, it fired onto the Juggernaut below. That thing packed one hell of a punch; it wiped that large group of Betas completely off the face of the Earth! Only a large crater and some shared pieces of metal remained of the opposition. I'm glad it showed up when it did. Any longer and our demolitions team would've been eliminated by that Juggernaut. The Destroyer made its way to an open area, and landed so that we may board it. What was left of our forces made a break for the ship, which was covering our escape with plasma chain guns off the sides. You may be asking where the VIL Nex comes into play. Was it just a transport vessel? No, it most certainty was not. After the Destroyer took off and got clear of the base, the Nex dropped down out of the sky right on top of the base. It made a kind of deep and overwhelming humming noise once contact was made, and it initiated its weapon systems. The noise was so loud, that some of the soldiers, besides the Alphas, dropped to their knees in pain. As we flew away from the base, we watched as the Nex tore through, destroying absolutely everything in it. There were definitely no Betas left standing after that incident. After the base was left to ash, the Nex boosted into the air and ascended back to its original altitude. We accomplished part of our mission already. We invaded the base and retrieved our Trojan Horse. Now, all we needed to do was breach the castle.

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  • I think you did a great job with the battle so far. I don't know if I would address the reader though. [quote]Now, you may be wondering...[/quote] That's just me. I feel it sort of breaks the story apart and makes me realize that I'm reading a story, instead of seeing it in my mind. That's it. Again, I think you did well with it.

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