Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need one more message rock3tman6969
Gt bedhead5000 Looking for nightfall
Need 2 for nf message AfroThunda1 for inv no mic
At the final part of the nightfall need two to complete it Gt same as above 300+ light
310 Warlock LF nightfall...GT same as above
Need two for nf. Message on live
Need two for nightfall Gt same as above no zeros in gt send msg for invite.
Looking to join anyone, 314 hunter inv gamer tag is Preventing
Who wants to run the nightfall three times? Gt lurek.
LF 2 for nightfall, be 300+ please. Let's make this quick. Don't be a dummy GT: Jah Ni Kah Sun
313 hunter looking to join nf. Gt madejupiter2439
Looking for 2 305 plus for nightfall with good weapons gt DDs warfighter
308 warlock lfg nightfall. GT same as above
In nightfall. Need 1 more. Msg gt above for inv
Need one more to do nightfall please message me for invite 300+
313 hunter looking to join nf. Gt madejupiter2439
316 Hunter Need 2 for nightfall. I dont care if u have a mic or not. Just be high enough light and know what your doing. Message me in game for an inv. Xbox One GT: Pure SkiLL Xx
Need one, running three times Gt = the irish fuse Msg over Xbl for invite
311 Hunter message for inv 300+
Looking for 2 for fresh run msg sportypms88
306 warlock trying to join a fire team. Shoot me an invite
313 hunter looking to do nightfall preferably on all three characters but I'm down for just one as well invite SKAVENGER V2
hunter lvl 313 lfg for nightfall! Gt is same as here 0 = zeros
Need 1 msg gt above for inv
Looking for 2 for nf. GT same as name
Need 2 for fresh nightfall